Chapter 53: Hikaru's POV

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"Your face makes me want to vomit!"

I rolled my eyes as Koneko followed me around, insulting seems like she's affected the most.

"Yeah, yeah...."

I walked around, thinking of anything that could reverse this....a light bulb lit up in my head.

"I got it!"

"Oh, has that big, stupid brain of yours finally come up with something?!"

"Be quiet, Neko!"

"YOU be quiet!"

I scrolled through my menus looking for someway to contact the GM's....

"If I can somehow contact the GM's and let them know that this is getting way out of hand, then maybe they can stop it!"

"Ooohhhhhh, so NOW you figure that out, captain obvious!!!"

"I'm gonna put a rice ball in your mouth and tie you up if you don't be quiet"

I gave Neko a death glare, as I've gotten too annoyed already....she put her hands up and her eyes widened....

"O-okay fine!"

I sighed, and heard her mumble something under her breath....

"What was that?!"

She jumped up.

"I was saying how stupid you look in that outfit!"

"That's it!"

I walked over to grab her, and heard a voice.


I turned and saw Haruna running towards us.

"Oh, hey Haruna, what's up?"

"Apparently your head, because you're so freaking tall, you big giraffe!!!"

I glared back at Neko, and looked back at Haruna.

"Have you found anything?"

"No.....but I think maybe talking with the GM's might help.....wanna help me out? Neko here isn't any help at all."

"Sure, Mr Hikaru!"

I smiled and tilted my head slightly.

"You don't seem to be as affected as everyone else....why is that?"

"I do not know. You seem to have an extremely strong defense against it, as well."

"Alright, should we contact the GM's?"


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