Chapter 2

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What seemed like hours was actually around 1 hour to get the university.

It was so beautiful. I already loved Harvard. It was big there. The fall really looked good at the university. There brown and orange leafs falling everywhere.

As my mom was unpacking My stuff out of the car. Then I went to the lobby to check in. As I walked up to the lady at the...what looked like a register?

I noticed the lady looked like she was in mid 30's short black hair with grey strikes popping out. She had grayish-blue eyes. It was actually very pretty combination. She was wearing a name tag,it said Ashley.

She finally noticed me standing there waiting for her to tell me my dorm. "May I help you" the lady said. With a cocky attitude...

I answered

"Yes I'm looking for my dorm".

"Name?" The lady answered.

"Kira McPherson."

She told me "room 319" as she handed me the key to my dorm.

So I texted my mom and told her to come inside and bring my stuff with her. I helped her with my stuff.


I grabbed the key from my pocket.

As I unlocked the door is saw this beautiful girl. She had a very light purple hair, dark red lipstick and stunning brown eyes. She was wearing a grey short sleeve shirt over a jean jacket, she was also wearing black legging with black high-heels.

She turned around and said "Hello love my name is Gemma Styles."She had a beautiful English accent. Her smile was big and welcoming.

I answered "Hey! I'm kira... Kira Mc Pherson. Then my mom rudely interrupted and said "Hello Gemma I'm Kira's mother." I gave my mom the 'go away!!'look. So she put my stuff and understood my facial expression I gave her.

She said "Well I'm leaving Kira . It was nice to meet you Gemma." My mom kissed me goodbye like a child. She looked at me in the eyes and just started bawling.

Yes I mean, this was a huge step in both of our lives... But she was literally humiliating me, right in front or Gemma.

My mom kissed my face like 10 times till I had to literally push her off me....

I was was probably as red as a tomato by now....

I could hear Gemma giggling in the background.

So I gave my mom a sympathetic look and told her I was gonna be ok. She gave me one last big hug before she left.

She finally left me in the dorm alone with Gemma. Gemma asked "what are you going to study here at Harvard?"

While she was unpacking. I answered

"I want to become a lawyer and get my masters degree in law" "cool!!"she answered

I asked "what about you?"

she said "I want to be a fashion designer!! and get my masters in art and some day work for vogue magazine."

"well I guess you have you life already planed out." I giggled.

She answered with "Actually yes!"

After that we started talking about our classes.
Gemma started talking about where she's from.

She said she just finished high school and and moved to go I college here. Cause her mom couldn't keep us safe, so when her parents divorced they move to america with our dad.

Who is she talking about us? So she said we? had to move to America with our? dad.

She talks about this person in almost all her stories. I try and catch on, on who she's talking about. Until she finally catches on too "oh! Kira you must have been confused!

In all my stories I've been talking about my younger brother. His name is Harry. we were like inseparable when we were kids."

"Ohhhhhh now that makes more since. I didn't want to interrupt you."

She smiled and carried on talking about some time when Harry and her egged their neighbors house.


Well we've been talking in our dorm for like hours. I looked around the small room, when I heard her phone go off. She quickly answered it. On the other line I could hear "Hello Gemma?" It sounded like a female's voice. The woman spoke can you I come meet me at Starbucks and have a coffee with me? Gemma answered sure I'll be there in 5.

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