Chapter 92

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kira's POV

That after noon we just spent it on talking more about our selfs. Starting over. I now know more about Harry. I now he knows more about me. We left the apartment and are at the park. Now we're talking about our furture.

He smiled and rolled to his side with his hand holding up his head.

"My furture is to someday live with the love of my life. Have a big stone house with wooden floors and It's a two story house, so the stairs are like a swirl. We're gonna have twins one boy and girl. If we don't get twins two kids... And Kira someday I'll ask you that question. Kira I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." His eyes looks so bright looking into mine.

"I will be there for you Harry. I love you."

"I love you more." He challenged

"I love you most." He knew he was beat, so he just pulled me in his arms.

Reserved /h.s/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora