Chapter 97

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Kira's Pov

Today I started packing my stuff. I cried a little packing. I've had a lot of memories here. I'm gonna miss it here. Gemma finished packing and moved her stuff in her car until she goes back to London. Sadly Harry is too. He wants me to go with him too. I'm not sure if I should go. I can't just drop everything and go.

There's a knock on the door. Then it opened. It was Harry of course. His beautiful curls fell across his forehead.

He hugged me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist and muzzled his head in my neck.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hello.." I turned around and kissed him.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing up"

"Your moving to London with me?"

"Umm I don't know."

"C'mon please we will come back and visit your family too!! Don't worry." I gave him a small smile and a uneasy smile.


"Fine fine! I'll go with you!" He gave me a hug bear hug and pecked my cheek.

"I'll put your stuff in my car." He kissed me and left with the boxes that were already packed.

I'll give my mom a call and tell her the plan.

"Hey momma"

"Hey Hun what's up?"

"Nothing just packing stuff."

"That awesome sweety! I can't wait for you to come home I have your room ready and your brother really can't wait for you to come! actually were all ready to see you! and-" I cut her off.

"Yeah mom that's what I want to talk about."

"What is it honey?"

"I'm going to London with Harry after collage."

"What?! who's Harry? I don't even know him you just met him this year! You can't just leave with him! you need to be home with me!"

"Mom I already told him I'm going." I whined!

"No I said no your not going!"

"You can't tell me what to do mom! I'm old enough to do what I want!"

"I'm not telling you again Kira!" Tears were running down my face and I was sniffling.

"Neither am I, mother." With that I hung up. I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out.


This is the last chappie, but read the epilogue.

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