Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

That Kira girl is something.... In a good way...I can't believe I was a dick to her. I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to talk to my sister and I was In a hurry. I bet you she's pretty pissed and thinks I'm a jerk and a bastard.

She should be mad. I tried changing I used to be a real dick to everybody and I had a horrid addiction to drugs and alcohol.

But something about her sparked my liking for her.She was so innocent and I liked that. I just couldn't...I just...ugh! I've never felt this way about a girl ever.

Should I go back and apologize to her? should we just go our sepret ways? she's so nice I don't think she'll feel the same...for whatever I feel for her.

I was walking to my car. I started to dig in my pocket for my keys but nope not there. I check the other one nothing. So I had to to back to the mysterious girl's dorm.

Kira's POV

I locked the door and sat on back on my bed. Until I heard a knock. not him again! but I heard someone's voice.

"Kira it's Gemma open up.I left my key on my dresser." So I immediately opened the door. She came in with a Starbucks mocha Frapuccino. In her hand.

"how was your time alone?" She asked

I answered in a great mood "lonely but peaceful. Well almost peaceful."

she Sighed and looked at me with he stunning eyes " oh did I interrupted something?"

"oh no you didn't your brother came by.He's very nice?"I said politely, I mean I didn't wanna be rude...

"oh what happened?"

I answered with "oh nothing"

"He just came by to"...

I was interrupted my a knock on the door? who can... his keys I had them in my hand. She quickly opened the door.

When she opened it she saw harry. she almost screamed

"Harry!! where were you? Why were you looking for me!?"

"Well don't you ask a lot of questions. I was here looking if you wanted to hang but your friend here said you weren't here. So I left but I forgot..."

I rudely cut him off "he forgot his car keys."

"Yea that." he answered but gave me a look at the same time.

"Gemma do you want to grab something to eat?" He asked

she answered "yeah! sure!!" Even thought she had a Starbucks. she still wanted to spend time with him.

Right about when there about to leave Gemma asked me

"Kira you want to come?" I caught Harry give her a 'don't ask!!' look but just to make him mad

I said "yea sure why not?"

I gave them a big smile and we walked out of the dorm

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