Chapter 53

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Kira's POV

Harry sits back against the couch... but still holding my hand. I can't believe he's still holding my hand. He's never held my hand before. I can't wait till we go on our date tomorrow I wonder where he's taking me tomorrow. He leans into me to speak.

"You look absolutely beautiful...where did you get that dress babe?" he smirked

"Oh this dress?" I pause looking back at him. I look back down at the beautiful dress "Oh yes! I met this boy absolutely gorgeous! He's in my world culture class. He took me out last...what a few months ago?" I look up at the ceiling pretending to think. I tried to ignore his question by making uo this story.

"Really. . .?" He clenched his jaw. "What's his name so I can brake his fucking face."

"Whoa calm down baby. I was just fucking with you." I said cuffing his cheek with my little hand. Forcing him to look at me.

"Harry I would never ever leave you for anybody else I promise. I don't want you thinking that one day I'm gonna to pack my bags and leave you. For another guy. I'll never let that happen to us." I look straight into his piercing forest green eyes. He looking back at mine.

"Promise...?" he asked

"I promise always and forever!" He pulls me into a kiss. I immediately kiss him back. Our lips are moving so perfectly together. Our lips are like dancing together never letting me fall to the ground. Our lips both gracefully dancing together like fire and wind. But the wind is not blowing out the fire more like the wind and fire are moving together. The one connection I need...he's my fire. . . My connection. . . My passion! He pulled out of the kiss.

"Always and forever." He whispered. In that moment it was like we were sucked out of the world. Like there were no one surrounding us. Like time stopped and every thing froze. We were pulled apart from that freeze.

"Hey guys you in or not?" Louis said we looked back and everyone was staring at us like we were weird.

"Oh yeah yeah let's play!" harry said cheerfully. Zayn started the game I wasn't really paying much attention to the game until it was my turn. Monze dared me to drink two shots of pure vodka. I was a little buzzed before the shots so I walked to the kitchen and I just now noticed that almost half the people at the party has left.

I came back with the two shots of pure liquor. I raised one to my lips and took that shot. All eyes were on me after I took that first shot. I had a sour face that soon faded away. The liquor was tangy. The drink went straight to my veins. Causing me wanting more. I quickly grabbed the other one and sipped it down. I put both cups down and looked back. They were all impressed.

They went on with the game. Harry and I were kinda left out. But then Someone gave both Harry and I a dare. I didn't know that was possible. That's not apart of the truth or dare rules. But I think they changed the truth or dare to dare or dare. Since everyone was choosing dare.

The unrecognized voice spoke. "I dare Harry and his friend to seven minutes in the closet. They can do anything they desire in those seven minutes in the closet." and she pointed to the closet at the end of the hall.

Harry and I looked at each other what are we going to do in a closet. Well since there not going to shut up about it. I stood up and grabbed Harry's hands pulling him up.

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