Chapter 27

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Yes I need to talk to you. when I said I meant it. We walked out side. "What is it?" He said it so innocent I wanted to punch him. I hate the way he's so innocent. Yeah I need you to back off Kira she's mine I huffed. He chuckles "oh Harry you act like she's a toy." I wanted to smack that smile off his face.

My hand balled up and my jaw clenched. You better back off. you'll regret it I spat at him. "What will you do....?nothing because if you hurt me you'll hurt her." He's right she'll be crushed if she knew I hurt him. You back off now-and I was cut off by the idiot with the smirk. "If you punch me now you'll ruin Kira's date tonight."

Oh shit I almost forgot. Then I thought and spoke. I'll get my time to get you back I promise. I said threw my teeth.

He stepped back not looking so scared anymore. Pussy ass bitch thinks he could just stand up to me like that. Whatever he's not so smart as you thing he is. "look I got to go back to work and he almost ran." I think I won this war. So I got back to my car

Kira's POV

Hey! Gemma! I said in excitement. "Heyy Kira" she said almost yelling she's crazy I swear. She got what I wanted. That's a good friend and she handed my drink to me and I grabbed it from her smiling. She got up and said "let's go!" I answered concerned "where?" I said completely unaware about Tonight.

"To get you something to wear duh!!!!! I looked at your closet and I almost screamed.

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