Chapter 57

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We got to the hair and nail Solon. I was terrified! I didn't want blue hair I didn't want anything crazy!! Gem hopped out cheery. I was kind uneasy about it.

"Calm down okay?" she saw my fear.

"Kay" I slapped on a smile and walked behind Gemma. A young woman was behind the counter. She was like in her mid twenty's.

"Hello dear do you have an appointment?"

"Yes two actually." She turned to me. The lady smiled and looked at me. I gave her a weak smile.

"It's okay honey your in great hands." she calmed me down a little.

"Name?"she looked at Gemma.

"Oh... Styles and McPherson."

"Ah yes. Ms. McPherson your getting-"

"Don't tell her just yet!!" Gemma jumped into the end of the lady's sentence.

"Oh okay then" she smiled and led me to the chair. Gemma sat in the chair next to me. She explained to the stylist how she wants to die her hair caramel brown at the top it fades down in the middle as lighter brown hair at the bottom blonde. It was a beautiful ombré color the way she explained it.

I was waiting for my stylist.Where is she anyways. I looked around for her and some girls passed by and weren't for me. Then I saw a man with a blue strike in his pushed up hair. Is this my stylist? I looked at Gemma and she was washing her hair.

"Hey! I'm randy I'll be your stylist today!" he was gay. I think gay men are pretty funny and cool to hang out with. I've always wanted a gay Bestfriend. I don't know why it's always been a dream of mine.

"Hey randy" I spoke cheery

"You friend over there" he pointed out to Gemma. "She told me everything she wants me to do with your hair and with your skin tone is going to be amazing with this style!!" he clapped his hands.

"Can you tell me what exactly she wants you to do with my hair?" I asked mr.Randy.

"Sorry Hun I can't tell you...she made me promise." he smiled

"Ahh man" I snapped my fingers.

He laughed "it's okay now let's go get you washed up." We walked over to the hair washing station and I sat down there was a sink right under my head. He ran the water and got my hair wet.

"Is this too hot?" He asked looking at the tempter.

"No perfect!" I chirped. He laughed and washed my hair.

Harry's POV

I got up and the room was empty. I guess they left when I was a sleep. Whatever I'll see Kira later but I kinda wish she was here was with me right now. I want to wrap my arms around her small waist. Just be here in peace with her. She's so peaceful when she sleeps. Like an angel asleep.

I looked at the clock and it read 12:30. What am I going to do for another 9 hours? I guess I could go back to my apartment. To get dressed for this date. I really can't wait to take her out. I need to plan a picnic I know that sounds kinda weird but it's worth it for kira. She everything to me. I picked up my pants and put on my shirt. I slipped on my boots and was off.

Kira's POV

When randy was doing my hair I wasn't able to look at my self in the mirror. He turned me away from the mirror. I couldn't stand it I needed to look at the mirror. I kept asking randy to show me put he denied my question. I guess I have to sit there and wait.

I just can't sit still. I need to see and I was growing annoyed. I looked at randy once in a while and he still wasn't ready. When is he going to be ready. Gemma wasn't ready either. I guess the stylist here are a little slower than others. But being slow could mean there better than others.

Harry's POV

I opened the door to my apartment and it was completely empty as usual. I need more friends. I wonder what's Louis doing? Probably with his girlfriend. She's pretty and cool. There perfect for each other. I can't believe she's at each game that's crazy.

I go to some games here and there. I can't make it to all. I wonder if he holds a ticket for her? I wonder. I went to the kitchen and started packing food. It's a little early but the early bird gets the worm. Haha I like that saying. I don't understand the saying 'your a trip' should I take it as a good thing?

Kira's POV

He turned me to the mirror and he stepped back and smiled. Proud of his work. I looked deep in the mirror and was absolutely amazed. My hair was an ombré brown. Not like Gemma's completely different!

My hair was black at the top the middle was Caramel brown the ends were blonde. It was just to beautiful to be true. I pulled my hair of the top my head and saw randy looking at me crazily. I laughed at him and she chucked at me. That hurt but now I know my hair is real. Haha

Vote and comment!!! update Thursday love y'all!!!

Reserved /h.s/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora