Chapter 40

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I put on a black shirt some random skinny jeans and the vans I was wearing. I felt Harry watching me the whole time he's cute really. I wonder what he thinks about me.

"I've never seen you in a white shirt." I say and he smirks.

"Really and how do I look in a white shirt?" A crooked smile came

"Rrr- really good." I choked and he chuckled

His tattoos peaked out and that was certainly hot! We walked to his car and some dudes were checking me out but Harry quickly put his arm around me and they backed off.

Does this mean were a couple? We got to his car and before I could think the word left my mouth.

"Are we a thing?"

"What do you mean?" he chuckled

"Are we a couple?"

"No of course not why would you think that?"

"Well you just put your arm around me so- "

"Only cause I know what those dick heads were thinking."

He looked me in the eyes. Ahh his eyes pierced right through me not letting me look away.

"Well you sleep in the same bed as me, you call me babe and love, you saw me get dressed. What do you call that Harry because that's not what "friends" do." My voice getting harsher.


"Wow if that's what you do with your "friends" I'm not doing it with you. Harry I think that your the dick head." I felt tears run down my face. I rubbed them away and got out.

"Kira wait please."

"You know what Harry I'm done with what ever this is." I said moving my hands back and forth when I said "this"

I started walking away and I heard the familiar sound of his boots. I started walking faster the sound got louder and closer.

Then I started running losing the sound behind me I got to my dorm and got in and locked the door behind me.

I heard a bang against it and I turned and sled down against it crying putting my hands on my face.

Gemma was right. I thought he was different. I thought he actually loved me. He's just like the others.I was pulled out of my thoughts by a voice.

"What did he do this time?" it was a female voice. I didn't look up I just cried louder thinking about what he did. Of course it was Gemma but I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"W-wwell he kissed me, slept in the same bed with me and put his arm around me. How would you feel if a guy did that to you?" I sobbed.

"I would think the lad likes me." she said.

"Well that's what I thought too." I cried even louder when I finished the sentence.

"It's okay it happens all the time." and she got up a comforted me.

"Thank you Gemma you've always been there for me."

"Anything for my bestfriend." she cheerily said.

She sat right next to me on the floor.

"When did you get back?" I asked trying to get my mind off the green eyed boy.

"Right when you guys left I waving hi but you guys ignored me." She shrugged.

"Sorry" I frowned and started crying again. I've never cried over a guy like this since the senior year of high school. Well I dated this guy named Connor during Junior year. That same year he asked me to go to prom early and of course I said yes and we were dating until prom night. He didn't pick me up and when I got there he was making out with my now ex-bestfriend Kaylee Morgan.

That night I was crying and crying like I am now. The next day of school I told kaylee about prom and she smirked at me. That two timing bitch. I got my revenge though. Her hair was a rich color of very very chocolate brown well I changed her brown hair bottle to a green-yellow color.

Her hair was absolutely horrid. I was proud of my work actually. I didn't really notice I told my story out loud until I saw Gemma's face when I was finished.

"Wow your a badass."She smirked

"That's why you don't mess with this." and I moved my hand up and back down my body gesturing to myself. The rest of the night was spent telling story's about ourselves.

"Do you want to get some coffee?" she asked

"Now that I'm better...yes!!" I cheerily said clapping my hands

"Okay but you kinda need if clean up your makeup it got everywhere."

"What every- oh" I said when I looked in the mirror

I cleaned up the mascara and eye liner and was ready to go. She opened the door and clump! The boy fell to the ground he was sitting the way I was just on the opposite side of the door. That means he heard me. I stood there shocked he was still here.

"Hey Kira I um" and he rubbed the back of his neck. Ignored him and started walking to the car.

"Kira wait" and he stopped me but Gemma was pulling me away from that jerk.

A\N 500 people are reading my book right now and that is so amazing. Thank you so much for reading my book this means so much to me. Comment what you think so far and vote!! (ps. Sorry for all the spelling errors in other chapters I'll fix them.)

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