Chapter 48

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Harry's POV

Louis and I were talking about football and stuff going on. Then he got up and looked back his girlfriend that just walked in. We looked at her with wide eyes. She was pretty but what she was wearing was hot! I need to see kira in that! If Kira was in that I would no question asked rip it off her amazing body.

Louis girlfriend was wearing. A strapless mini black leather dress. The entire dress was covered in black leather. She was wearing hot red heels with her big and second toe peaking out. I noticed her lipstick was the same shade as her heels.

Which was a perfect combination for this party. Her hair was let down she had blonde ends showing and the top of her head was a black color. She was wearing her contacts. I really need to get this dress for Kira damn!

"You look...very sexy." Louis spoke looking at his girlfriend from head to toe.

"Thanks." she flushed

"You look good." I said and gave her a thumbs up. She finally noticed I was standing there waiting for her to say something.

"Oh hey-" and Louis cut her off

"Monzeratt you know harry of course."

"Harry you remember Monzeratt right?" he questioned

"Yeah you were talking about how she-"he cut me off

"Let's not talk about that now" he whispered. I chuckled at his embarrassment.

"Yes how can I forget. Your at very single! one of Louis football games."

"I try to make it to all of them as best as I can!" She said very confident in her statement and walked up to Louis put one hand on his shoulder and put more weight on one of her leg. As if she was leaning against him.

"She's my lucky charm." he said looking her in the eye and her back at him clearly in love.

"Okay love birds. Lets go before you to start having a make-out session." I joked

"Oh yeah! let's go- wait!" he pulled out his phone.

"It's from Niall"

"Well read it mate" I spit

From: Niall

**Hey tell harry that Sam texted Gemma and Gemma going to the party with Kira.** The text read

"Oh yeah invited kira too!"

"How did you meet kira?" I questioned looking at her and Louis.

"I forgot to tell you mate great news!! Monze and Kira have been Best friends since the what 3rd grade?"

She giggled "7th Lou"

"Oh" is all I spoke. She can't come to the party there to many people she can't meet.

"Okay that's great let's go then" I huffed and walked out.

"I'm riding with y'all just btw" I said in case I get drunk I can Louis drive me back to his place.

"Okay Harry!" they said in unison. they walked out holding hands. There cute but they could get annoying sometimes.

"So your dating Kira? You better be good to her she's my sister" monze smirked

"Oh geez no I'm not dating her." and I covered my face and hopped in Louis 2005 black lincoln navigator.

Hey guys!! Thank you soo much for reading my book this means so much to me!!Oh and comment and vote!! oh and I'm going to update every Monday and Thursday to give me more time to write. Instead of updating every day two chapters. love you guys so much!!

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