Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

I left the room and went to the cafeteria I'm starving I need some food in my system. I walked around looking like a lost puppy. until I found the sign cafeteria.

I walked in a there were some people but it wasn't empty. I got into line and got a water and pizza. Everything looked like shit so this was the only decent food I could spot.

I sat down alone and I wasn't embarrassed. I didn't give a shit what people say. They say the same crap all the time for example...

"Why does he cover him self with all those tattoos?"

"I bet you he does drugs."

"He's a lonely loser."

I answer the questions in my head I have friends. I like tattoos...they're like memory's I can always see when I look the tattoos. I'm not into drugs that much so...

People don't understand me like Gemma and Kira do. They're the only people that really understand how I am and don't judge me like every asshole that does.

My head erased the thoughts when I saw someone. My fist immediately balled up my knuckles were turning white. I didn't like this should I risk getting trouble or should I give em' pain?

Kira's POV

Went we checked out and were walking around the hospital looking for Harry he could be anywhere....wait

"Cafeteria!!" Gemma and I said in unison.

We quickly walked to the cafeteria. we looked around and we saw Harry. He was eating pizza and drinking water he's cute really. I don't know how I find harry so cute.

But something was wrong in Harry's expressions. He looked almost angry...why at who? I looked at the area he was staring at deep fully. I saw a guy who is that. I closed my eye and all I saw was broken glass, ambulance lights, blood and crashed cars.

That's all I remember about that boy. Liam is his name I think. I ran up to Harry leaving Gemma behind.

"Harry it's okay let's go." It took him a few minutes to realized who am I.

"No's not okay he did this. This is all his fault. I'm about to-"

I cut him off my putting my index finger to lips to shh him. He looked surprised to see me to do that's right in the middle of nowhere. I moved my finger off his soft gentle lips.

"Fuck him up.." He smiled finishing what he was gonna say I guess that didn't work. I laughed and he put his arm around me. We were about to walk out with Gemma on my side.

Then we were stopped and Harry's jaw clenched I looked at him in fear of what was going to happen next.

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