chapter 78

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kira's POV

We got to the party. and it was at its useual self. red cups thrown every where,loud music. You know the things you see at collage parties. These studens are crazy actully. At this party there are drunk people running around going to the streets and half naked. We opened the door we walked into smoke. I coughed at the thought of someone smoking. Like how can you just let that stuff into your lungs? Its very abd for you and its just plain unheathy. I used to know some people that smoked. they couldnt stop no matter how hard they tried it was just differcult for them they were alrady addicted to the stuff.

we found our friends and sitting on the cotch was the useal gang. Sam.Niall.Zayn.Lala.Louis and harry. I havent talke to harry since the night we were gonna go out. Everyone was chatting amongst eachother. But not including Harry he was just staring at his red cup. Like there was some kinds of creatcher trying to talk to him through the cup. Gemma announced that we were here and harry looked up met my eyes for a second then looked back down. Trying not to look at me in the eyes.

Niall spoke first. " kira! I knew you would come" he pulled me into a hug. Everyone said there hellos and since I wasnt on speaking tearms with harry that much. I sat next to lala. It seems like I havent talked to her in a long time. But its only been a month.

"Hey kira!" she said so sweetly.

"Hey lala"

Harrys POV

It was finnaly time to leave to go to the party. I grabbed my keys and left.When i got to the party there was already drunk people! its only 7 and pepole are drunk. Man the people Niall hangs out with are hard core drunkers and stoners. Niall isnt that crazy. I mean yeah we get drunk and a little stonded but nothing close to this. I opened the door and i already got a few female attionton. I sat next to louis and he was drinking corona beer with a slice of line sticking out from the top. At first we were talking about classes and then the sence that played into this conversation.

"i got kicked out of class today."

"oh mate what happend" louis said putting his drink down.

" well short story I was missing around with mr.smith and upsset with him he kicked me out. nothing serious."

"how did you upset him?" louis just had to ask.

"i came in with my raybands on and i wasnt even sitting in to the seat he assinged us."

"then" louis moved his hand in a circle telling me to go on.

" i was talking back and just didnt give a fuck what he had to say so he kicked me out and before i left i also flicked him off." now that louis is 2 years older than me hes like a older i was kinda scared to tell him i flicked off mr.smith. when i looked back at him he haf an amosued smile.

" thats cool mate and when you ficked him off wow i didnt think it could get anybetter" we went on and on about how cool i am. but i think im going to get into a lot of troble coming back tomorrow.

i wasny paying any attionton when  louis was trying to finish his story about me being a 'basass' he turned to zayn ang started talking amongst them slefs. i was looking into my cup thinking about things at recentlly happend when a figure was standsing dianglely from me. i didnt think it was anybody intortant so i dint look up.

then i heard a fimialr voice.

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