Chapter 67

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I got into my pj's. I changed in the closet of my dorm. I opened the door Harry was a sleep in Gemma's bed. He looked so cute. He wrapped him self in the blankets. His dimples were printed deeply on his cheeks. He was sleeping in the middle of the bed so I didn't want to wake him so I slept in my bed.

This first time I slept in my bed. alone. Well besides the first weeks of Harvard. It felt kind of empty. But Harry's not going to sleep with me every night so I guess I have to sleep alone. I was tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep till I just closed my eyes and imagine sleeping Harry.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I was awaken by Harry. "Get away!!" he yelled even louder. I ran to him and he jumped by my actions.

"Hey it's okay." I calmed him down. I pulled him up and walked him to my bed. "Sleep with me." he nodded and I felt the sweat in his palms. I guess he was really afraid. I feel bad that he went threw that when he was 15. He pulled me in his muscular arms. I felt so safe. So sane. He makes me feel like there's nothing that can harm me from everything the world does.

He's my guard. He's so strong and he keeps me safe. My eyes fell heavy and in seconds. I was a sleep.

I woke to Harry's beautiful light snoring. He looks so cute asleep. Harry's arms were wrapped around my wist. I was facing Gemma's empty bed. I turned to face Harry. His eyes fluttered open. His green eyes focused on me. He smiled and kissed my forehead. His arms still wrapped around my waist.

He pulled me closer. My hands were in his chest. His arms now wrapped around my shoulders. I put ear on his chest. Listening to his steady heartbeat. I love the sound. I think I'm going to just lay here and listen to him.

A/N hiiii guys 1.2k people OMG this is really amazing!!! I love you guys sooooo much you guys are just!! I can't believe all of you are reading this book. Well if you want to read more books you guys will enjoy untold by:2FERCE4u. Thank you guys again! Vote and comment. you guys are welcome to comment anything I'm sorry these couple chapters were kinda boring... don't worry the drama will come!! update Monday!


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