Chapter 73

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Harry's POV

I didn't want to go to class, but the dean said I skip class to many times. I put on a white muscle shirt with the sleeve holes cut low, dark wash jeans that's the first and I reached in my beanie dresser and pulled out a dark green one. I grabbed my black ray bands and walked out.

Every body looked at me. I didn't give a fuck right now. I really don't care about anybody. I walked in to class and sat in the very back Corner of the room. The professor yelled at me.

"Mr. Styles that's not your seat and shades off." He was pissing me off right now. We're not in elementary school anymore so why do we need Assigned seats.

"Well I sit here now. Mr.smith"

"Mr. Styles! That is not your seat. You sit where I tell you to sit. You sit there and drop the Attitude." I could tell he was getting angry. But I just want to make him even more angry.

"I don't feel like it." I smirked and he huffed.

"Harry! I'll call down the dean if I have to-" I cut him off. "Ooo you call him. I don't care."

"Harry leave my class and don't come back until you learn some manners." he sighed. I got up and headed towards the door. But before I left I turned to Mr. Smith. He had his arms crossed against his chest. I flicked him off with a smile. His eyes went wild I ran out before he didn't anything else.

I was running and heard my class mates cheer me on. "run harry!!"

"Go harry!!"

"You go Harry." That was mainly what they said.

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