Chapter 56

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We got into my dorm. I opened the door and we sat down on my bed. I got dressed in my pj's. I felt Harry's emerald eyes watching my movement. I smirked at the way he was watching me. Is he going to sleep with me? I hope so because I love waking up next to him. He's so beautiful when he's asleep. He looks so peaceful so sane. When the morning light hits him perfectly on his face. He's just so handsome.

I love they way his voice is in the morning. His voice is raspy and just sooo cute. When he opens his eyes in the morning and the light hits his eyes perfectly. The way the sunlight hits his green eyes perfectly is just a work of art. If I was an artist I would paint a picture of him in the morning. That was kinda weird. But I would, if I was an artist and I could choose anytime in the day to paint a picture of him it would be in the morning. He finally noticed I was staring at him for a long time.

"You okay love?" he smirked

"Huh...oh yeah." I looked away and flushed.He tilted my chin. Our faces looking at each other. His eyes looking deep in mine. His pupils adjusting on me.

"You were staring at me pretty Long babe." He smiled at me but his eyes never leaving me.

"Sorry I-"

"You never have to apologize to me."

"Okay" and he pressed his plump lips on mine. He never pulled away so I kissed him back fast. He didn't pull away and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. I put my hands on his face. Kissing him faster and harder. I opened my mouth a little when I was kissing him and I felt his tongue.

His tongue was moving with mine. He Put my back against the wall and pulled away. I was kind of sad when he pulled away. I wanted to kiss him longer. Harry's chest was rising and his breathing was slowing down. Same as mine we both caught our breaths. He put me down; he kissed my forehead.

He turned around walked to my bed; he pulled down his pants and took of his shirt along with his boots. His tattoos are so creative. I thought I would never fall for a boy with tattoos. I guess I did. Haha my subconscious said. He plopped on the bed and patted the spot next to him.

I walked to turn off the light and slipped in next to him. I put my head on his chest. He's so muscular... I love it!! I was lessoning to his heart beat it was music to my ears. I looked up at him and he was sound a sleep. He looked so peaceful. Like a baby asleep. I put my head back down and fell back asleep.

The curtains were open and the morning light shined right threw the windows. I felt something warm and heavy on my stomach. I looked at Harry and his face was planted on his pillow. With one arm wrapped around my stomach. I was about to get out but Harry turned to his side and pulled me closer not letting me go. I could hear him breathing. His face was muzzled in my hair.

"Your hair smells. . . Lovely." he chuckled.

"I didn't know you were awake. You scared me." I turned to face him.

"Yeah I was...when you were about to get out of bed I was going to see what you were going to say if I pulled you closer." He smiled with face his face in the pillow. I laughed at turned to Gemma's bed.

"Hey gem!" I said chirpy

"Hello love." She had a textbook on her lap."Oh What are you doing later?" she added. I looked at Harry I whispered to him. "what time are you picking me up?"

"9:00 or 9:30?" he looked uncertain. I giggled "okay" I kissed his forehead. I looked back at Gemma and she had a 'there cute' face.

"I have class at like 3? Harry's picking me up at 9 or 9:30? The rest I have nothing to do."

"Yay!" she clapped her hands and jumped up off her bed. "It's 10... get dressed!!" She walked out the room. Where are we going anyways? Well I didn't want to leave harry...but I kinda have to. I looked at Harry he was dozing off. I put on a white flowy tank top that said 'off the wall vans' in black letters. I put on some dark Purple shorts and my black vans.

I looked back at Harry. Who was sound asleep. He looked so cute. I just wanted to lay in bed with him. But I couldn't. I put some foundation and pink lip gloss. I grabbed my keys and sunglasses. I turned back at Harry and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. I closed it the door and started walking down the hall I was going to turn the corner and Gemma popped out and scared me.

"Boo!" she screamed.

"Ahhhhh" I yelled and almost cried I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Gemma was laughing so hard. She was crying of laughter. I punched her on the arm. She was still laughing. "OMG you scared me!!" I cried

"Sorry I didn't know I was going to scare you that hard!" he laughed. Wiping off the tears we locked arms and walked off.

"So where are we going anyways?" I question hopping into her car.

"Urmm...Im going to die my hair" she shrugged.

"Why do you need me there?" she looked away and something was bad was going to happen I just know it!

"I kinda made an appointment for you too." she looked down.

"WHAT?!?! What did you schedule me down for?" I asked scared of the answer.

"It's a surprise!!" she giggled

"Okay but nothing outrageous okay?"

"I promise." I sighed and she giggled. What if my hair turns out blue or something? I don't want blue hair at all. That would be weird. Horrible actually. What if my hair turns out to be a bob or something? oh no that would be horrible!!

"Don't worry" she tried calming me down but she kinda made it worse!

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