Chapter 19

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I quickly drank one cup. I could feel the alcohol reach to my veins. I could taste the pureness of the drink. It felt so good! I needed another one so I quickly drank the other one. It was delicious I needed more.

Kira's POV

Thank you Liam!! "Anytime Kira" he said sweetly. Before I left he stopped me. "hey Kira you want to go out to dinner with me on Saturday?" Yeah sure I answered him and I blushed. I'll pick you up at 7!! He waved goodbye and left I quickly walked to my dorm.

When I got to my dorm I opened the door to see Gemma. She was sitting on her bed with few textbooks she's reading. In her pajamas with her soft spotted cozy socks and her purple hair in a bun.

Hey! I said to her. "Hey girl what's up? Where were you?" She questioned. I was at Starbucks with my friend Liam. I was talking to Niall the whole class. Liam was trying to catch me up on what the professor said. "oh okay you've been spending a lot of time with him" she smirked

I smiled and finally told her what had Liam asked me. Gemma Liam asked me to go on a date with him on Saturday. "yay!!" She yelped I know! Just in that moment I remembered I needed to go to the mall it was 7:30 I could still go?

Oh that reminds me do you want to go to the mall? I need more clothes. "sure!" she answered in a good mood and in that moment we left.

Sorry for the short chapters and updating one chapter everyday I will update multiple chapter's ;) from now on:)

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