Chapter 11

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He looked silly face down on the bed it was cute. I think I have some feelings for him. I wonder how he feels about me.

I can't show my feelings for him. what if he doesn't feel the same and I show my affection for him. Things would feel weird, different.

My mental thoughts were interrupted by Harry "can I look now?"

"No I'm not done"

"You really want me too look don't you" I can see the smirk behind his chuckle

"NOO don't look!"

"Fine fine" he smiles while his beautiful dimples are printed on to his cheeks. I thought his smile is so adorable.

I was just wearing a navy blue shirt light wash pants and like always my converse.

"Ok you can't look now" but when I turned around I already see harry his arms folded behind his head looking at me.

"Were you looking at me?" I said worried.

"No well yes but I only looked at you put your shirt. I couldn't breath"

"Well I told you to turn away not lay your face on the pillow."

We both laughed. I've never heard him laugh like that before. The only time I herd him laugh was at Olive Garden. But that was different. He has such an appealing laugh.

It was so attractive. Then the happiness left when Gemma walked in. He just acted normal like last night.

"What's going on here." she smirked.

We gave her a "gross!" Look she smiled and She walked passed us. Harry and I blushed and looked away.

"You ready to go to kira?"Gemma said to change the subject. yea lets go to class. Before we left Gemma told harry

"hey um if you need to go to your place then you can use my car." she Handed him the keys.

"I'll come...ah Nevermind um" We can take my car to pick up yours. she nodded in agreement and we left.

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