Chapter 59

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"Yes I did earlier today."

"It looks so good!" he gave me a thumbs up.

"Thank you!" I flushed. I really wasn't sure if anybody would like it. I looked at Liam he looks angry. Maybe because I wasn't talking to him. He folded his arms across his chest. Waiting for the professor. I turned to Niall. He was back to reading his book.

"Hey Kira...umm" I didn't want to look back but I had to. I looked back to Liam who was speaking to me nervously. I looked back like I didn't want to talk to him.

"Hi Liam" I looked down.

"How have you been?" he asked why is he asking me how have I been he knows the answer to that question. I feel anger boiling up in me. My anger taking over me.

"You really want to know the answer to that?" I spoke harshly I didn't mean it that harsh.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." he's really going to play innocent. Why is he so stupid. Really I don't want to be mean. But he can't play all stupid innocent with me. He's really getting me mad.

"Your really. . . really going to play all innocent with me I'm not that stupid Liam. Did you really think I'm going to fall for whatever game this is?" I raised my voice. My face was probably red with anger. My blood boiling I'm about to explode any minute.

"Whoa calm down Kira. Look I'm sorry for all of that back at the hospital. I am truly... I just needed to talk to you about it how I should've lessoned to you." He whispered. I looked him straight in the eyes. I know I'm going to explode.

"Don't tell me to calm down." I stopped. "you really want to talk about the hospital? huh?" I waited for his answer.

"Well kinda yes?" he looked unsure

"Okay then Liam let's talk. I was in the hospital for about 3 months. I loss a little of memory. I wasn't eating at all during those 3 months. Every times I ate something I threw it up and I was very unhealthy during those months. What did you lose oh yeah a car what else? Nothing... nothing Liam." I turned around and looked at the clock it's 4:00 this class ends at 4:05. Ugh! Five minuets of pure boredom.

"Kira you can't stay mad at me forever." He really had to screw it up like that.

"Liam I'm not mad. . . I'm upset." I started to cry. I get very emotional sometimes.

"Please can you give me a chance." I know he's right I can't stay upset or mad at him forever. I needed to talk about this and Liam kinda lifted the pain of these memory's.

"I will give you a chance." I paused "but not now I'm not sure if I can fully trust you."

"Thank you. Think as long as you need all I needed to know was that you would give me a chance." He smiled. I forced a smile and looked at my professor who just dismissed us.

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