Chapter 30

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Kira's POV

After Gemma put make-up on my face and curled the ends off my hair. It was 6:30. "Wow that took forever!" I scowled at her but I was playing. "Well then do your own make-up and hair next time and she giggles. We start to have a laugh attack. I get those a lot. It's crazy how many laugh attack's I get. I'm crazy just like my mom.

I guess you can say my mom was cool. All my friends always thought my mom was the coolest most funniest mom ever. They also thought I looked a lot like my dad. More than my mom and I. My mom and I had personality in common and my dad and I had more of looks in common. I love my mom, I miss her too.

I miss everyone...heck I even miss my brother. Wow I never thought I would say it but I just actually did. I really do miss him. We looked the same too. Some people thought we were twins..? I don't know why exactly. The one person I missed most of all my best friend Monzeratt we did everything together.

We would always text...always! The only person on my messages list was Monze. I would text her 27/7 we were like sister's. She was pretty close with my mother. She was always the more competitive one she would always try to win. We got into a couple of arguments but she still loved each other.

There was this one time when her parents were getting divorced. It was a really hard time for her. Even though I knew we were sister's and we tell each other everything she was keeping something. I felt like she was pushing everyone away. She felt like she didn't need anyone's lecture about family's so she pushed them away.

I didn't know it would be me to be the one to be pushed away. She would not tell anyone about how she felt. She would always change the subject. If anyone would ask. It got to the point when she didn't talk to anyone...not even me.

I finally found out that she was only hurt...hurt by the way her father felt about her mother. He hated her so much he would call her names and say cruel things about his ex-wife. Her mother never understood why he hated her so much.

Just then my thoughts were crossed out by Gemma shoving my shoulders.

"Kira Kira!!" she yelled


"Your date has been calling you for the past 5 minutes."

"Why didn't you answer? I said while grabbing my phone off the desk.

I called him back hoping he would answer. He answered on the 1st ring.

"Kira?" he questioned


"Kira I'm just now arriving." he said sweetly he is.

"Okay I'll- And I opened the fore to see Liam. "Liam I thought-" I was cut

"Yeah I know was just gonna surprise you buy coming up." he chuckled

"Well I am surprised." I giggled

"Let's go...?" he questioned

"Yeah let's go" I said firmly and we drove off to this misery place.

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