chapter 86

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Kira's POV

I saw Harry from the corner of my eye. i lookd eyes with her and she maded the worst mistake ever.

"BITCH!" she smirked. That was it I grabbed a fist full of her hair, and pulled her to the ground. Shewas screaming of the pain. She got a hold of my foot and pulled me to the ground with her. She grabbed some of mY hair. I bite her in the arm so she could let go. She let go and  I got on top of her and started punching her in the face a couple times. I got her in the nose really good she started crying. I didn't stop. I nobody stopped me so I contuded. I punche her and punced her everywhere. Her cheek, her nose, her arms, I also pulled her hair a couple more times. I felt like I was in control the whole time. That was until Gemma finally noticed me beating the shit out of her pulled me off.

"Kira Kira!! Get off of her! She's bleeding!!" I blinked a few times then noticed. She was bleeding a lot.

"Oh" I got off her and people started to stare. They made a big croud too. All the people were circling around us like a lion circling its prey. Harry broke threw the croud to make his way to us. His eyes we're a little less red." That's good!"

"What the hell happend?' He pulled Bella up off the ground. She was holding her nose. Fake bitch. Why am I so crazy right now.

"Ahh Harry I think my nose is broken" she looked at him with puppy eyes.

" I don't think it's broken" I cut in.

" Yeah it is I can't even feel it"

"Bitch you want me to brake it? Cuz  I'll be happy to." she Slapped on a fake sad face. Looked at Harry.

"Come on let's get you to the hospital." There they left.

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