Chapter 3

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Gemma quickly grabbed her purse and when she was about to leave.

"hey do you want to Starbucks with my bestfriend and I?"
Gemma asked

I politely declined the offer
" No but thanks."

"are you sure? you don't want to be here all alone do you?"

"it's fine go have fun."I said

"ok I'll be back in an hour or 2"

"ok bye!" I answered


About 15 minutes later I heard a knock at the door.

She's back? Already?

when I opened the door I saw a man, probably around my age.

He had brown curly mop of hair, to compliment his plain black shirt and black skinny jeans he wore boots.

When I looked up at his face I Admired his beautiful green eyes. When I was about to say something he just walked passed me.

He sat on Gemma's bed.

I was so confused...

"who are you?" I said

Instead of answering he just blurted out "where's Gemma?"

I could recognize that accent. It was the same as Gemma's. I asked the same question but this time more angrily.

"Who are you!!"I asked for the second time.

"I forgot to properly introduce my self" Rolling his eyes. "I'm Harry. I'm sure Gemma's told you a lot about me."

I spoke to the boy with an attitude "oh your Gemma's younger brother,yes she's told me only but nice things."

He rudely interrupted " ya ya now where's Gemma." He said angrily.

"She went to Starbucks with her friend." I said and crossed my arms.

He said thank you and left suddenly.
Harry is nothing like Gemma.
Gemma is so nice and kind.

And harry well harry is so rude and disrespectful.

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