Chapter 4 - PT Session 2

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Allie's POV

My last patient was a bear and put me in a bad mood. I was trying to determine if it was solely the patient, or was part of it my nerves going to see Prince.

As I was driving, I received a text from Marcus.

You're a beautiful lady that has much to offer ALL those that you open up to, let your light shine. Call me later! - M

I thought of a peace offering I could offer Prince, so I stopped by the Lunds grocery store by his house.

Pulling up to the Paisley gate, I buzzed and heard the silky voice answer, "Yes?" "Marino's Pizzaria with a garlic bread delivery." All I could hear was a deep chuckle on the other end and finally he mustered enough composure to reply, "No pizza to go with that?" He buzzed me in and I quickly parked.

Since I was a little late because of my grocery store run, I had to make up some time in setting up. Rushing to shut my SUV door, I felt a hand take the bag off my shoulder and that deep, baritone voice tease my ears, "Hello Ms. Marino. Will you allow me to help you with the bag today?" Turning to thank him, I noticed that he wasn't wearing any makeup today which made me pay more attention to his eyes that looked happy to see me. Thanking him with a smile we walked to the double doors where he opened one for me and helped to guide me and the massage table through the door.

As we walked to the atrium he said, "I liked the glimpse of your sense of humor last night and today at the gate."

Surely blushing I replied, "Thank you, I let it come out from time to time."

"Last time you arrived, I was busy wrapping up a telephone call and speaking with Beverly. Today I was sure to be free, can I help you set up?" He asked.

"I should be good, maybe if you watch you can pick up on the routine for next time though." I replied with a smile.

He smirked and with a very deep voice said, "I never mind watching."

"Do you have to do that? I asked

"Do what?" He replied with a sub smile on his face.

"Do you have to make everything sound so..." I couldn't even bring myself to identify it.

"Ms. Marino if you can't say it, I'm not going to address it."

"Do you have to make things sound  se- sexual?" I asked and boldly looked him in the face. His face turned crimson even in the dimly lit atrium because of the overcast day. "Ya see, now look who's blushing."

"I'm sorry. I'm just being playful. If that truly offends you I will earnestly try to stop it...but know that it's in my nature to be playful so I can't promise it won't slip out from time to time."

"After Monday's session, how are you feeling? Too sore, not sore enough or was it just right?" I asked.

"You make PT sound like a nursery rhyme. Baby bear is just right." He replied.

"Ok. In that case, let's step things up even more. I'm starting to think you and Marcus spent more time schmoozing than exercising."

As he did his exercises, I continued to type notes in his file on his progress. I could tell that he was staring at me while he did them. "You should take a picture it lasts longer." I said.

"We just started our session, you aren't leaving anytime soon. I'll just get my fill here if you don't mind." Trying to hide my embarrassed smile, I rooted through my bag. I still think he knew what I was doing, but thankfully let it pass.

After he was done with that set I said, " that set without holding onto the chaise." His smile fell and he looked down immediately while he pursed his lips. I've seen this a gazillion times in my field. Patients don't mind doing the exercises as long as they are holding onto something to steady their balance. Once I say no more safety net, and ask that they do it on their own...self confidence plummets.

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