Chapter 24 - Meddling Mom

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Phyllis' POV

As I got ready for dinner, my cell rang and it was my husband...Paul. Trying to muster up a voice that reflects a loving wife, I answered.

"Hi Paul, is everything ok, cuz it's almost 2 a.m. there? Oh you just woke up huh. Yeah everything is fine here, I'm just getting ready to go to dinner. Yes, yes...Alessandra is good. Paul now you know I'm not going to share anything more with you about her. She doesn't want you in her life. Now before things get out of hand I'm gonna go. Night Paul."

Riding the elevator down, I thought about how interesting it will be to observe the three of them together at dinner, specifically Louis and Prince. I'll be able to see more of how the peacocks strut to impress Alessandra. Hopefully, no feathers will be flying. Lord knows I've had enough of that shit in my life, but some friendly competition never hurt anyone. I know she has to be hurting after the coffee was spilled on her, but Louis reassured me that she's ok.

Exiting the elevator, Louis was waiting and looking handsome as ever. I always knew my Alessandra was a catch, but she certainly has the best of both worlds after her, a doctor and a rockstar ready to court.

"Phyllis you look lovely, so refreshed did you get some extra sleep?"

"No Prince treated me to a spa day so I feel absolutely rejuvenate."

"Oh how lovely of him. What all did you do?"

"The works, mani, pedi, massage, hair, makeup. All I had to do was change my clothes for dinner."

As Alessandra and Prince approached, I watch Louis and he couldn't take his eyes of her. Oh to have a man look at you the way these two do. She is one lucky girl.

"You look beautiful Allie..."

Prince interrupted, "Yes she does."

Louis continued, "How are you feeling?"

"Between the Lidocaine and the Ibuprofen kicking in, ok at the moment."

" need to stay on top of the pain so it doesn't get ahead of you."

"I'm going to take great care of her. Don't you worry." Prince smugly replied.

"Sounds like she has a great care team then." Louis replied.

"Yeah..." Prince replied snidely.

I thought this might be a good time to interject, "What is everyone hungry for?"

Allie spoke up, "I just want something light."

"Please make sure yo have some protein with all the ibuprofen you're taking. You don't want to upset your stomach." Louis mentioned.

Prince looked up from his menu at Louis and I could tell he was holding his tongue.

The waiter came and took our drink order and Louis said. "Allie as much as I know you'd like to have some wine, I'd pass on it the next couple of days."

Prince leaned forward in his chair looking directly at Louis, "Hey wanna ease up on the mothering because her mama is right here and so is her man."

I darted my eyes at Alessandra and she started to look annoyed and a little pale, "Excuse me I'm going to the ladies room."

Prince started sternly whispering at Louis, "I have held my tongue long enough. Now listen...I can take care of Allie, including her burn. I appreciate you caring for her when it happened, but there is no reason for you to be tending to or touching her boobie when I am here to take care of her."

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