Chapter 22 - Dinner With Mama & The Gala

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Prince's POV

Uncomfortably smoothing my facial hair I said, "I beg your pardon?"

Her mother looked at me and scowled a bit...but then a smile slowly curved on her lips. "I said, should I call you Peter or Prince?"

"Well if ya like me, then please call me Prince. If ya don't, then let's change that and go with Peter for now."

"I know all about you...Purple Rain 1984 wildly successful, hot sex scenes for its time and while you started breaking a lot of hearts years before that, even more so after this film.

Under the Cherry Moon 1986 mistakenly done as a black and white film but it's cheeky humor and your good looks made it watch worthy.

Graffiti Bridge 1990 not sure what the hell that was, many said the movie was misunderstood while I say the Thieves in the Temple dance number was awesome but the set looked like it was made by a high school drama club. Your look of Jesus Prince was born in this movie and finally at the height of perfection by 1999.

You married Mayte Garcia in 1996, divorced in 2000 due to the tragic passing of your son and another pregnancy, my sincere condolences.

You married once again to Manuela Testolini in 2001 and she filed for divorced in 2006. Unfortunately you were not wise enough to know she was a golddigger.

Since then you've possibly been a serial monogamist, but let's be honest, you've slept with more women than I've attended Mass which is once a week for 58 years, not even counting holy days of obligation.

By the glow on my daughter's face you've managed to sweep her off her feet and into bed, which means she lost her virginity to you. At least she was bed by a man who knows what the hell he's doing in it, so I know you made her first time a wonderful experience.

Let me tell you some things about me. I regret never leaving her father. I completely regret not standing up for Allie when she was growing up, but I was afraid.

I want Allie to have passion, fire and a forever love with plenty, and I do mean plenty, of enjoyable sex...something I never had. My question is... Is that with you? Or is it with someone like Louis?

Your handsome in a both masculine and feminine way.

You can wear a pair of heels and mascara better than I. What brand of mascara do you use by the way? Let's pick some up later.

Lastly, you obviously won my daughter's heart, so tell me why I would be thrilled with you as her boyfriend or dare I say son-in-law someday."

Rubbing my eyes and chuckling uncomfortably I said, "You'll have to excuse my language but...What the fuck Phyllis...where do I begin with you? I don't know whether to hire you and call you Princepedia. Order room service cuz you hate me and I dont want a nasty scene in public or call for the elevator to have dinner at a restaurant. Just...just give me a minute, have a seat. I'm gonna change my shirt, I'll be right back."

As I went to our bedroom, I was a little freaked out. Ok Nelson...what do you do...perhaps a flash of arrogance about how much in love you are. Ignore the comment about Louis for sure, as he is irrelevant. I quickly changed my shirt and came out. "You ready for some dinner?"

"So you're gonna brace being in public?"

Pursing my lips to hide a smile, "I figure you'll behave until I get you your mascara."

Her humor could easily match mine, I might as well go with it. I could tell she appreciated how much of a gentleman I was as I opened doors, car doors and finally ordered for her at the restaurant. She had of course already told me what she was planning on ordering.

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