Chapter 30 - Purple Marks You As Mine

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Prince's POV

I awoke to Allie resting on her pillow with a sexy pout even in her sleep. With my morning voice, "Morning beautiful."

A half smile curved on her lips as her eyes fluttered open, "How long have you been staring at me?"

"Just a few minutes."

"And why are you staring at me?"

"Because I'm so damn happy and I can't believe that we're finally together."


"I just never thought I'd find someone that would love me and all of my dysfunction." I laugh slightly.

"Well you have and I'm happy to have found you too. My life hasn't been all rainbows either."

"Yeah but remember my own stupid dysfunction had us separated for a brief time. You know what I dreamt about last night?"

"Your dark haired raven beauty?"

"Will you ever let me live down that wood pussy licking me?"

With wide eyes she said flatly, " it was waaaay too funny. Plus really weird that you thought her tongue was mine."

"I suppose it was. But I only have one dark haired beauty in my life, she's right next to me and I took her 3x yesterday and I'm already thinking about topping that today."

She blushed and I was transfixed by her sleepy, hazy eyes that could bring me to a want in milliseconds.

"Back to my dream...I dreamt of playing with our children in our beautiful field of wild flowers. You had on one of your pretty, skimpy dresses and we were chasing one another."

"I love the thought of that...sounds truly like a dream."

She smiled really big when I said that and slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and decided to join her.

"Are you up for some company?" I asked hopeful.

"As long as you promise to be good."

"Why would I ever agree to that?" I asked while stepping into the shower.

"Because I'm washing the triple sex off of me from yesterday be honest I'm very sore."

"Ooooh that's not what I like to hear. You should have told me, I would have drawn you a warm bath...that helps to alleviate any tenderness."

"Well maybe you can do that for me later."

Her arms snaked around my neck as I pecked at her lips and massaged the shampoo through her hair.

"That feels do good. You may have missed your calling."

"I've often thought I was a shampoo girl in a previous life." We both laughed.

"Hey...I noticed that you've stopped wearing make up around me." She whispered in my ear while giving me multiple warm kisses. "I love your bare face."

"Thank you. I know you prefer me this way. I decided to only wear it for special events and performing."

With a sweet moan she added, "Why mess with perfection?"

"You keep up that sexy talk you'll be finding yourself up against this shower wall."

"Is that so?"

"Although I do have a heart...I don't like hearing my baby is sore. I might have to take it easy on my queen."

Her lips slid down my neck causing a moan to escape mine.

"Maybe we'll just have to do something else while I recover."

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