Chapter 41 - The Last Thing I Heard

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Taking Allie out to see the progress on the house was more than fun and much needed after the interaction she had with her mother. The basement is poured and the house is completely framed and the trusses are up. I've provided some incentives to get this house built and us into it by early spring, hopefully before the baby is born.

My hand gently brought hers to my lips kissing the fingertips that I love to feel on every part of my body. As we walked in the field, the light breeze made her dress cling and I could see the blooming of our love in her fuller breasts and ever so slight swell of her belly.

Easing her down to sit on the swing, my lips pressed to hers, "You have any idea how enamoured I am with you?"

Her pout curved as she pressed her cheek against mine in shyness. "What are your plans for today?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, I'm in meetings most of the day with an attorney getting some business stuff in order. You think you can busy yourself? Then we'll go to our three month check up and I can take you to dinner tonight."

" yeah. Are you going on tour or something? What are you..."

Tipping her chin up for us to see eye-to-eye, "Absolutely not. I'm just getting my affairs in order, which will soon be your affairs...which will soon be this little prince or princess' affairs. Now...think you can busy yourself for most of the day?"

"I suppose I have some things I can tend to...but can I come with you?"

"Now don't give me those puppy eyes girl. I'd bring you with me, but I'd be too distracted by you. Paying attention to you instead of getting my work finished."

"Well I guess I you have a time that you want to meet up?"

"Let's meet around 3:00 p.m. here at Paisley and then we can go to our first appointment and then have dinner."

She looked a bit disappointed, but we weren't going to be apart much longer. I needed to get my affairs in order and while I l-o-v-e Allie being around, at the moment, when she is I can't concentrate on anything but her. While that may sound a bit dramatic, it's how I feel and I'm just too lovesick to focus on anything but her if she's in the room.

In addition, there's tentatively a huge surprise in store for Allie, specifically around the wedding, and I need to be sure that I'm doing the right thing or it could completely backfire on me and make for an absolute hellish day.

We waltzed one more time around the house looking at the framed in details, trying to imagine the house finished and us moved in and enjoying our lives together. As we navigated through the skeletal rooms, she still looked a little disappointed that we were going to be separate for part of the day.

"Come here you." Leaning her up against a beam in a section of the house that was free from workers, my body immediately responded to hers and she more than reciprocated.

"Damn Allie...I now want to ignore all this work stuff and spend the day with you." With a mischievous chuckle, my irreverent hand slid up her dress kneading her cheek while my other slipped sideways under the lace seeking her goodness.

"Shiiiittttt..." I breathlessly moaned.

" me." She whispered breathless, arms flung around my neck while sucking tenderly on my ear lobe.

"Here?" Popping my eyes open to see if anyone was in our view.

"Anywhere baby..." Taking her one hand and unbuttoning her dress a bit revealing her growing cleavage. "Don't you want me?"

"Of course I do. I'd Dr. Seuss you anywhere. I'd have you in our house, with a mouse, on a train, in Champaign..."

"Ssshhh baby...we are in our house."

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