Chapter 14 - Curiosity

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Allie's POV

"I know you want an answer, and I do too. If I could flip a switch and be done with my indecision I would do it. You've planned this lovely evening and I don't want us to have words. Can we just be on a date tonight and enjoy one another?"

"You're right Allie. I'm sorry. C' know what typically happens on prom nights?"

"No tell me."

"Usually after dinner, we dance and then we smooch all night. Well, most do, some get grossly drunk, vomit at the side of the road or worse yet on their date and get a hotel room. Which of those scenarios are attractive to you?"

"How about we talk and smooch all night?"

"Will you stay and have an old fashioned pajama party with me? We can do each other's hair, makeup, talk about boys and watch movies?"

We were giggling, "If you promise that clothes stay on, then yes I will stay."

"I can work with that...but girrrl what are you talking about? You can't keep your hands off of this. [snickering and running his hands down his chest] Look at shirt is completely unbuttoned and you've been running your hands through my taco meat. I'll have you know I feel absolutely violated."

We were both laughing which I was glad. I have so much fun with him and laugh so damn much when he's not so focused on our relationship status.

"I will admit you are just a bit irresistible."

"You just want me for my body girl. You know I have a brain, I'm not just some male bimbo or I should say himbo, I am very intellectual."

Once our laughter simmered...

"C'mere Allie." He commanded and I loved it.

Laying sideways across his lap he kissed my forehead and said, "I don't mean to put so much pressure sweet girl, I hope you know that. I'm just so damn wild about you Allie and the thought of another man possibly taking your would shatter mine."

He brushed the hair back off my face and he pecked at my lips as I said, "I'm wild about you too. Allow me to find my way...I promise to not take forever."

"I will wait Allie...until you shoo me away. Or until I have french cut beans fitted for some cement shoes and purchase a Mississippi River boat ticket."

"Ha Ha Ha! I think if you got to know him you'd like him. He's a nice guy, just like you."

"Maybe under different circumstances, but not while he's trying to whoo the girl of my dreams."

"Can you at least play nice if you have to be around each another?"

"I'll try mademoiselle. Enough of these clothes pretty girl...let's go get into our pajamas, scarf some leftovers and watch a movie."

While I thoroughly enjoyed his dance night gesture, I'm truly a simple girl at heart so I relished getting out of the fancy dress and taking my heavily made up face off. When I entered the living room, he was looking at movies sitting on an oversized lounger.

"Do you want to watch Hitch, Miss Congeniality, or Mr. and Mrs. Smith?"

"What are you feeling like? Anything but Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

"Let's go with Hitch then."

He popped the DVD in and I went to sit on the sofa.

"Na uh! Where you goin?"

"What are you doing?"

"We're gonna sit together in the lounger and neck while we watch the movie. That's what you do after prom."

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