Chapter 27 - The Day After

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Prince's POV

I was up early, hoping to snag Allie as soon as she got up and before Louis could get his hands on her. I need to spend some time with her.

My mind was stark raving mad after seeing her last night in that dress, the stilettos and out with Louis...the Exploration of Louis is O-V-E-R! I try not to think about what went on behind the closed bedroom door last night. I could barely keep it together wondering if he was touching her or kissing her or both. She is meant for me...only, and I regret ever entertaining a stitch of what Phyllis said. I should have been listening to my love, she had already settled on me.

As I sipped my coffee and ate my third glazed croissant, crab cake Louie came into the kitchen and said absolutely nothing and made no eye contact...yeah...this was reassuring. That garden weasel was hiding something. As much as I tried to overhear what was happening in her bedroom, I couldn't hear a damn thing going on and it's probably just as well. Except, I did hear Allie slam her bathroom door.

"Did you two have a good time last night?" I inquired.

"Ah...yeah dinner was delicious." Louis said.

"What did you do after? Wait...wait...let me guess...dancing!"

"Yeah how did you know?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Cuz it's cliche and that's what you are." I chuckled.

"Am not!"

"Is this where I'm suppose to say 'are too?' Cuz I ain't play'in that game."

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Cuz I'm not cliche like you."

"Are you done?" Louis replied sarcastically.

"Why isn't Allie downstairs yet?" I asked Louis. "I didn't even hear her toilet flush or the shower this morning. Not a peep. Did something happen last night?"

"No...nope. I'll go check."

"You'll do no such thing. You had her company all last evening. I'll go check on her because she's spending the day with me." I huffed.

Walking up the stairs with a cup of coffee and a croissant for her, I fully plan on talking this Louis thing out. Her and I are moving forward full steam ahead and Louis needs to be in the dumpster. I'm taking her back to Paris ASAP.

Holding the coffee in the crook of my arm, I lightly tapped on her bedroom door, but she didn't answer. I called for her, "Allie?" Maybe she's in the bathroom. Knocking again a bit louder and opening the door a crack I called for her, "Allie?" I peeked my head inside to find the room deserted. Her luggage was gone and in typical Allie fashion the bed linens stripped and rolled into a ball in the middle of the bed. "What the fu-?!" My heart broke. Why did she leave? She didn't tell anyone? She didn't say goodbye? What would have caused her to run? Looking around the room for some sort of clue as to where she went or if she left anything behind, I took note of the nightstand. The ring I bought her...the ring she told me she loved... the ring that I loved moving from friendship to her ring finger was blatantly abandoned. I picked it up, staring at the glittery piece and shook my head. Placing it on my lips, I put it in my pocket for safekeeping.

My anger started to roar. Furious I stormed down the hallway, "Fuck! LOUIS! LOUIS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?"

I stormed downstairs and pushed him up against the refrigerator. I said, "What did you do to her? WHY IS ALLIE GONE?"

"What do you mean she's gone? She probably went for a walk. Did you check the garden?"

"What? You think she's in the garden pulling her rollerbag? For a doctor you're not all that bright, you know that? She's AWOL...bolted...luggage is gone...bed linens are stripped. If you knew her that's her M.O. she tries to clean up before she leaves someplace. What am I saying you've never spent the night with her how the hell would you know."

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