Chapter 12 - Somewhere Here On Earth

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Allie's POV

My alarm went off at 5:30 a.m., I had the best of intentions to go for a run this morning but I was just too tired. Since my social life has picked up, my later hours have me sometimes dragging in the morning. I reset my alarm for 6:30 a.m. And rolled over. That should be plenty of time, my first patient isn't until 8 a.m.

Walking into my office Marcus was already sitting there doing paperwork. "Morning Marcus. What brings you by so early?"

"I'd like to know why a certain French dude was in here this morning."

"Louie was here?"

"You mean Dr. Renae, right? Cuz I don't know a Louie, do you? You've never talked about him to me. Aren't I your best girlfriend?"

Sniping back at him, "I'm not sure what you are since your lips were on mine last week. And while we're at it, why are you talking to me like this? I don't need the third degree. I have one father, that I don't speak to, I don't need another man questioning my every move."

"Allie I was just teasing. I just mean we haven't talked. How's come I haven't heard you talk about French Tips? All the women at the hospital love him. Then this morning this guy just shows up. Between P and Louie you've got the most eligible bachelors in the Cities after you, besides me of course. Wait I'm not after you, I just meant I'm one of the most eligible."

"He lives by me. We bumped into each other out on a run. It's who I met at the Lake Harriet Ampitheater. He seems nice."

"Well...he said he's gonna stop ba-..."

"Good morning Allie!" Louie said.

"Good morning Dr. Renae." He winked at me because I addressed him formally. "What can I do for you?"

Louis cleared his throat.

"Oh...well...I should get back to my office. Allie I'd like to continue our conversation later." Marcus said.

Rolling my eyes I said, "Yeah...I'll make it a top priority."

"Allie...I wanted to stop by and apologize for having to leave so abruptly last night. I'd like to make it up to you. How about dinner Friday night. I even asked another physician to cover my patients to ensure we have no interruptions."

"Sure. What time?"

"I will pick you up at 6:30 p.m.?"

"Sounds good."

He looked out my doorway, popped back in and gave me a peck on the cheek and softly said, "Au Revoir Allie."

My day was really overbooked with patients. Besides my normal case load, Marcus added two extras which meant I didn't get a lunch and it was too much for my little body to take.

As I drove out to Paisley I knew I would just spend the night at home after I was done with Prince. While instructing him with his exercises and adding a few new ones that increased his mobility and stamina, I found myself yawning and slouched on the chaise as I watched him do his reps. Suddenly my eyes became heavy.

I awoke upstairs on Prince's living room sofa. Prince was at the end where my feet were writing in a spiral bound notebook. The shock startled me, "I didn't do your entire session. Oh my god I'm so sorry. I'm just so tired."

"Allie...girl it's ok. I did all my exercises we normally do. You'll just owe me a massage. [winking] Why are you so tired? Are you feeling ok?"

"I think I'm ok, Marcus added a couple extra patients to my schedule today and that's just too many for a person of my size. It just takes a toll."

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