Chapter 15 - The Louis Date

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Louis' POV

I've stopped by Allie's place several times this week to find her on the balcony tending to her flowers, she is so worried about them dying from the scorching heat we've been experiencing. When I arrived to pick her up, once again she was out there watering them.

She looked absolutely lovely. Ugh! She'd be the perfect wife. I'd love to come home to her everyday and I would be sure to romance her every chance I got. I said, "You better get inside before you wilt too." She smiled and waved, "I'll buzz you up."

It's amazing how the heat just zaps your energy so quickly so I planned on an evening inside to try and keep us as cool as possible.

Walking into her place she looked beautiful with her hair pulled into a messy bun with wisps of her hair cascading down her neck and a pretty skimpy off the shoulder dress to try and beat the heat. Besides kissing each of her cheeks, I slipped my hand to the back of her neck, met her lips and she responded in kind. "I've missed you Allie."

"It has been a while."

"Too long Allie, it was a week, except for my stop bys. I need more than just a few glimpses of you at the hospital."

We pulled up the the Como Conservatory and I helped her out of the car. "We're going to the Como Zoo?"

"Ha ha ha! No Allie I arranged for us to have a private dinner inside the Como Conservatory." Grasping her hand we entered and she was in awe at all of the beautiful green plants, bright pink abd white flowers and lighting at dusk, very romantic.

Pulling her chair out she sat down and I followed up with a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Tell me Allie, how was your week?"

"Busy for it being so short. How about yours?"

"Yesterday I was in surgery all day and it seemed that almost every patient had a complication. It was very draining so when I hit home late last night, how do you say, I crashed."

"That's too bad, are they doing better today?"

"Yes thankfully. I have Dr. Fayen checking in on all of them this evening. So enough about work. Let me ask you something. In July, I'm planning a trip to Paris as I'm speaking at a conference and then traveling down to see my family at the Vineyard." Taking her hand and kissing it, "I'd like to join me."

"Paris? Gosh...I was just talking with a friend recently that Paris is one of those cities on my bucket list. Do you know when you are thinking of going?"

"I was going to look over my calendar this weekend, since I'm the doctor on call, and come up with some dates. I'll let you know early next week ok, I hope you'll join me."

"One thing though...meeting your family? That sounds a little overwhelming."

"Allie, they would love you and it's just for a couple of days and I promise you will have a lovely time."

"Would there be any pressure with you bringing me home? I mean we don't know each other that well and-"

"Allie, I promise I will tell them that we've been dating a short time, no pressure. It's just a gorgeous place and I want to share it with you."

After ordering dinner, I took her hand and we talked and walked around the Conservatory looking at all the beautiful flowers and plants.

Coming to a railing on the upper deck of the Conservatory, she leaned into it to take in the full view. Penning her in with my arms around her, I took the opportunity to kiss her bare shoulders. Her hand slipped up into my hair as her back arched and I slowly turned her around to face me.

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