Chapter 58 - His Reign Ends

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Prince's POV

After hanging up with Lorenzo, I carefully watched her and was receptive enough to know that she and we were headed into a hail storm.

"You wanna get in our pajamas and watch a movie after we finish the dishes?" I asked carefully, hopeful that she wouldn't ask any questions about my phone call.

"That's fine. I think I'd like to do a quick run after I clean up here."

"Yeah that's cool I can do the elliptical while you're on the treadmill."

"PLEASE P!" She snapped while running her hand through her thick hair and trying to maintain some composure.

I froze, my eyes were wide and my lips slightly parted at the fierceness of her anger. Quickly recovering, I bit the inside of my lip out of sheer nervousness. I did not want to see her implode, it had already happened once today.

The mundane repetitive action of rinsing dinner plates and loading them in the dishwasher reminded me of a tigeress pacing in her cage, attempting to cope and ease the stress of confinement...that's why she wanted to run, it's an escape.

It wasn't that she currently suffered from physical restraint, instead she was held mentally captive by her father and all the memories he had inflicted through the years. He caged her years ago making her fearful to assume her true role in the kingdom.

Relocating to Minneapolis offered her the opportunity to be the truly majestic creature that she is, and move with the fluid grace of an alpha animal.

In situations like these, where her mental freedom seems threatened, she was always ready to pounce and kill with a single swipe of her paw, thus her need to go for a run.

She needed to clear her head.

How could I not notice that she just called me 'P?' A name that she has never called me in our time together. As she bent over to place a plate in the dishwasher, it slipped and shattered on the floor, and the craziest thing happened, she fucking left it.

I know how crazy is that?

Nope, that's not my Allie. Typically she'd be apologizing and cleaning that up. Instead she lept up the stairs two steps at a time, barged through our bedroom door, gathered her warm gear out of the closet and prepared for a run. All of this was done as if she was proving a point, that I couldn't tell her what to do.

Calmly standing in the doorway I said lovingly, "Honey you are not going for a run in the dark, freezing cold night. I need you cuddled up and keeping me warm. Plus with the snow and ice you're apt to turn into Jack Frost or Frosty's wife and I need you as my own."

"Don't...oh please...don't be cute right now. And you know I don't like you telling me what to do." She replied matching the iciness of the cold outside.

The more she paced back and forth, in and out of the closet, stripping and layering up I knew this was gonna get ugly, but I was determined to try and break her frozen exterior.

"I thought you liked it when I took charge, especially in the bedroom which is where we happen to be."

As she grabbed her down jacket from the closet, she pushed past me and I kept up with her brisk clip down the stairs.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

She said nothing.

"You gonna tell me who called earlier?"

She said nothing.

"Why did you give Pearl a call? She's worried about you too ya know. There's plenty of us that are right here caring for you."

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