Chapter 55 - Insatiable

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Allie's POV

When I woke, I was so excited it was Friday. My man is coming home and he was going to get a surprise homecoming from me that would rock his socks off...if I don't chicken out.

Coming out of the bathroom, I slipped on my robe and slippers, twisted my hair into a messy bun and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Beverly was in her office doing some work so I snuck by and found she already made a pot of coffee and brought some doughnuts.

Taking a bite, "Oh my god these are..."

"Delicious?" She chuckled while finishing my sentence in the doorway.

"Oh yes...they are so good. I hope it's ok that I had one."

"Oh absolutely. I can't eat all of those myself. Well...truthfully I could, but shouldn't."

"Where on earth did you get these?"

"Yo Yo Donuts, they're in Minnetonka close to my house. They just opened and I thought I'd give them a try."

She motioned to sit in one of the booths. "May I? You and I could stand to get to know one another a little better since we're the women that keep Prince in line." We both laughed.

"If I have been remiss in saying this, I'm so glad he found you Allie."

Looking down, chewing more slowly, and quickly embarassed at her nice compliment.

"I know it's been difficult lately though. May I are you doing...since your baby passed?"

Barely able to control my hand that seemed to involuntarily shake at her question. I didn't really say anything.

Refilling her coffee, "You know I lost a baby when I was about your age, so I know how you're feeling."

Making her way to the counter, she extended her arms on both sides of her. "You see I'm still here, surviving, but of course never forgetting."

Sipping her coffee while carrying the box of doughnuts from the counter to our table, me still completely mum.

"I'm here, if you ever want to talk. I've prided myself on keeping plenty of secrets in my day, many of your husband's and a few of my own. Do you mind me asking, where are your parents in all of this?"

Finally a topic I can actually put feelings and words to more easily. "I don't speak with them anymore. My father is a religious zealot and my mother is...well mean, rude, judgemental. She almost broke Prince and I up during the trip to France. When I told her I was pregnant, she suggested that I terminate my pregnancy and tell Prince I miscarried."

"Amazing isn't it how sometimes we look at our families and think we must have been raised by a pack of wolves because we're so different? Never look back Allie...the today and tomorrow are much too exciting to dwell on what's already been put to bed."

"Thank you and I agree."

Beverly got up to leave and I wanted her to know that I valued her sharing but just wasn't ready to open up too much yet.


"Yes dear..."

"Her name is Adley...our baby. We named her Adley."

"That's just beautiful. It's so different, yet it sounds so regal and traditional."

"Thank you."

She continued to walk back to her office and I stood in the kitchen doorway. "Beverly?"

"Yes Allie?"

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