Chapter 52 - Famished

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Beginning of December...

Prince's POV

Allie wanted to double date with Morris and Mia so I arranged to have a small zamboni smooth part of Lake Ann for some ice skating.

Allie wasn't having it at first with my hip, but I was cleared for everything but high impact sports so I won the argument. Plus when I said I'd call Louis to double check, she immediately said no. This boosted my confidence that loser Louis was gone for good and that she had no intention of going back to work.

The only thing left on my list of desires, I want us to try for another baby. There was one night I swear she was close to talking to me about it, but then her brother Frankie called to talk about Christmas, extinguishing the opportunity.

I was watching the news in the little kitchen when Allie popped downstairs. I did a double, triple, quadruple take as she caught my eye in skintight black tights.

Pursing my lips and biting down on the inside of my cheeks, my eyes followed her every curve up to a waist-length thin ivory turtleneck sweater to the taupe ear band and scarf.

Everything was hugging it out on her...I mean everything. Her perky, braless breasts with hard, rose nips were revealed easily through the thin sweater and firm booty encased in those tights were definitely beckoning me. A heavy sigh of air slowly escaped through my lips watching her bend over and put on socks.

All I could think about was wanting to bounce her derriere off my...

"Honey?" She warmly called.

"YEAH?!" I replied super loud almost afraid I was caught ogling her.

"Why you yell'in?"

Licking my lips trying to get a hold of myself, "I...I didn't."

Rolling her eyes, thankfully she didn't question me, instead moving on to her question. "You think I should wear this short-waisted coat or my down parka?"

Selfishly the short-waisted coat allowed me to see her tush...and at somepoint tonight I wanted to smooth my hands all over her booty and pull her down lovingly on...

"Oh god...mmmm..." Slipped past my lips as my eyes fluttered shut enjoying the flash of images detailing all the things I wanted to do to my wife. Namely...

I especially wanna make another baby with my girl.

"Prince? You ok?" She asked while taking my hand and ushering me out to the lobby.

Morris and Mia were gonna arrive at any minute so there was no acting on my urges. Although with the way those two dogpile one another they probably wouldn't notice a thing.

"Yeah...I think you'll be good with the short coat."

"Well if I'm cold it's all your fault."

Letting my thought spill a little too openly, "I'm good with that."


"You can blame me, I'll find ways of keeping you warm."

Morris harshly pounded on the door and Mia was waving. Allie's face lit up upon seeing Mia. She's really good for Allie. The close girlfriend she never was allowed to have, although secretly I'd like to think I fulfill all those needs in our relationship.

While doing the old manly side hug with one hand clasped with Morris, the girls hugged one another, Allie quickly made her way back to me, hugging and planting a kiss on my cheek. Feeling her erect nipples and breasts bounce a bit through my lightweight sweater, I knew I was in heaps of trouble tonight.

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