Chapter 34 - Madrid?

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Allie's POV

The time Prince and I had together was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't have dreamt of better days together, but it was time for me to go back to work. Prince made it his full time position to plan the exchange of our vows and to personally nip at the heels of the builder for our house to make significant progress and finish early.

Since my office was moving over to the University, I stopped in at the clinic to gather my belongings and say my goodbyes to the staff. As I packed up my office, Marcus stood in the doorway.

"While we all know marrying P is the best thing that's happened to you and him, is working for Louis?"

"Is that how you say hello Marcus?" I said with a hug. "It seems like we haven't seen one another forever."

"Well you're the jet setter with Paris and then a longer vacation. Before we get too far, let me see this ring I could see from down the hall. Damn Allie...that is a beautiful selection P made."

"He did make a great selection. I absolutely love the color of this diamond, it's so him."

"You look good Allie, truly happy. I knew once you two settled down you'd like one another, although I just thought you'd be friends. I didn't know you'd be marrying him, and so quick."

"He makes me happy."

"Damn girl I bet he does." He said suggestively.

"Marcus! Don't be dirty here at work." I said quietly.

"I'm just picked an amazing man to have your first and only experience with."

"We are at work, stop."

Just as I finished saying stop, Louis popped his head in my office with a knock on the door. "Hello littlest purple one. I just stopped by to help you gather your things and bring them across the skyway. Are you ready for your first day?"

"Yes Louis thank you."

Louis rolled a cart in and started to load the few boxes I already closed.

"Louis would you mind giving Allie and I a minute?" Marcus asked.

Marcus closed the door. "Allie...I know we had a weird moment a while ago, but you know I really see you as a sista. This may be none of my business, and feel free to tell me so but...are you sure about this...working with Louis I know...he's got it bad for ya Allie. I see the way he looks at you. I'd hate to see anything bad happen between you and P over Louis."

"I know. Prince and I met with Louis about this whole thing."

Chuckling, "Was that after Louis' continental U.S. tour of the United States via P's flight plan? I still can't believe the air route P sent Louis through from Paris. You gotta know that there's serious loathing going on between these two."

"I do, but this is very short term. Just until we're married."

"Yeah but how long until that takes place, at least a year right?"

I was quiet because I knew he'd be shocked.

"Allie? When are you and P getting married?"

"Probably by the end if the month or the first couple weeks in August."

"Daaaaaaamn. Next you're gonna tell me that you're already trying for babies."

I know I blushed.

"Are you pregnant Allie?"

"Sssshhhhh keep your voice down."

"Allie the door is shut."

"Yeah well your voice is booming and carries."

Love...Thy Will Be DoneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin