Chapter 13 - Have Faith in Me

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Allie's POV

"Good evening everyone! I'm happy to introduce Minnesota's favorite son who wanted to do a number for us this evening, we are so honored...Prince Rogers Nelson!"

clapping and whistles

Oh my god, I can't believe he's here.

Louie was clapping and whistling and said, "Allie I didn't know he'd be here. I'm sure it will be a great number."

Coming closer, Louie wrapped his arm around me and stroked my shoulder while placing slow kisses on my temple.

Prince began to speak..."Thank you Lowell. I have a particular song that is weighing heavy on me because there is a beautiful lady that has been on my mind ever since I met her. Allie...wherever you are tonight I hope that you can feel how much you mean to me."

I sat up straighter and Louis' arm pulled me closer, but my hand touched his thigh, slightly pushing him away.

Not but three notes in, I knew that was the instrumental song I listened to while taking a bath at his place on Wednesday. He said he thought of me when he wrote it. Does he know I'm here?

"Allie..." Louie said.

"Ssssshhh." I found myself a bit irritated at Louie who was trying to whisper to me while Prince was singing.

God these words...his words are just so beautiful...they're so perfect. I forgot about was as though Prince and I were in the eye of a storm, chaos ensuing all around us, but we were untouched.

Cuz whenever U feel
It's time 2 heal
No, no more
As long as I'm here on Earth

When he finished singing that part, tears began to roll down my cheeks. He knows how much I've had to heal. I mean he doesn't know everything, but snippets here and there gave him a rough idea of what my childhood was like. Frantically searching for a tissue in my purse, all I could think about was how hard it is to surrender to something you cannot make sense of love between two people. Will it be there forever, or just a day?

Shaking like the washer on a spin cycle, I could feel Louis' frustration continuing to build as he saw my emotional reaction to Prince. Understandably, this was not the date he planned on this evening. God forgive me though, Prince he has such an affect on me.

Hearing that mellifluous voice croon, I wanted to be with him...oh in too many ways to ways I'm not even schooled yet. At the exact same time, I found myself wanting to give him my everything and hide from him. I felt chest was heaving...the room was starting to spin...I hated what was happening to me and loving it too.

Once Prince finished, I didn't see where he went to, but I excused myself for the restroom.

As I wetted a paper towel with cold water and patted my forehead and chest, a couple of ladies came in singing Prince's praises.

"Whoever that song was for, she is one lucky girl."

The woman cackled as she said, "Mmmmhmmm To be sure, I bet she's getting a little someth'in tonight."

"Oh what I would give to be his flavor of the month."

"You know my friend Tamara? Well she said her best friend met him at an after party and mmmm mmmm mm she said that he is the biggest romancer. I told her...of course he is. If Prince isn't romantic who the hell would be?"

Reality set back in. These women trashed my high in less than a minute as I thought of how I would be one of many conquests. Maybe people change though. It's possible, I mean I use to be involved in nothing but church, and look at me now, not even a word of it. Going out and making myself a life outside of my family and now the church. Becoming more adventurous in the way I dress, not wearing a bra...people change.

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