Chapter 39 - The To Do List

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Allie's POV

Walking into the Hennepin Government Center, eyes quickly snapped their way to my handsome man, or it could have been my revealing dress...or a bit of both. Slipping my wrap around my shoulders covering my spilling breasts, we took a number and proceeded to sit down in the waiting area.

Prince said, "Check this out," while showing my the number we got, 319. We both smirked and he said, "Can you believe that? What are the chances?"

As we waited, Prince could tell that I was uncomfortable in the dress he bought me. I was constantly readjusting the dress and my wrap in an attempt to get comfortable. It's one thing to wear something like this out on a date, or privately, but it feels like a little too much the Government the middle of the day.

Adoringly his head tilted toward my cheek giving me a soft kiss as he whispered, "I'm sorry baby. I know you're uncomfortable. As soon as we get the license, we can go home for you to change. I have to say look so beautiful. Do you know what I'd like to do to you in that dress?"

"In or out of the dress?" I mumbled.

During our tender moment, someone snapped a picture. Casually, he grabbed my purse and found our sunglasses and said quietly, "Slip these on. Pictures aren't as coveted when they don't see our entire face."

"Ok thanks...and we don't have to scoot home, I'm just going to be taking the dress off to try on wedding dresses, but if we can go home after that it would be great."

He nodded his head, "You have a point."

Our number was called, stepping up to the county clerk Prince handed over our number and playfully said with a straight face, "I'll have a pound of the honey ham and a quarter pound of the pepper jack cheese."

The clerk placed his pen behind his ear, replied just as funnily, "You want that sliced thin for sandwiches?"

"Prince chuckled and pointed his index finger at him, "Very quick wit. I like that. My fiance and I would like to apply for a marriage license."

He smiled mightily, "Well I'm very happy to assist you with that. May I have both of your drivers licenses?"

Handing them over he looked at me and back at my license, "You're a pretty girl, I hope your personality matches your beauty because I need a good woman for our purple brother."

Prince could tell I felt awkward so he chimed in quickly, "Oh she's a very good girl...she made me chase her and that's not something I've had to do before."

"Well it wouldn't hurt you to chase a good woman. I'll be right back." The clerk replied.

"I agree." I piped back. "Other women would lay at my feet, and be at my beck and call. I should have known better, as a queen calls you to fall at her feet." Prince kissed me on the cheek.

"My wife had me chase her and we've been together now 30 years. Yes sir...I remember it vividly. She was working at the library when I met her. I waited there all afternoon reading magazines, the newspaper looking at books. She knew I was there for her too. When she got off her shift, she just went home, I had to go to her house. She just left me there. Huh thankfully we lived in the same neighborhood, but I would have chased her anywhere. Oh...sorry I went off on a tangent there. Let me get you two squares away. I'll be right back."

The clerk went about his business while Prince leaned into me, gripping my waist, "Sounds a little like us with your skating...but I'm glad you're here to stay now. Allie..."


"I can't wait to call you my wife. Don't be embarassed now...I'm coming in for a bit of sugar."

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