Chapter 36 - Five Words

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Prince's POV

"Prin..." Were Allie's last words before her eyes rolled back and she was out.

Desperately I was calling and shaking her, "Allie? Allie honey? BABY!?" Gently slapping the sides of her cheeks to wake up.

Nothing but FRANTIC...

I grabbed her cell from the nightstand and dialed 911.

Stroking her hair back gently, kissing her forehead and trying to stay calm, "Hello...yes I need an ambulance at 7801 Audubon Rd in Chanhassen."

911 Operator: Tell me what's happening sir.

"I'm not sure, my fiancee and I were talking and her eyes rolled back and now she's unconscious. Allie honey wake up sugar."

"We have an ambulance dispatched, I will stay on the phone with you until they arrive."

"Thank you."

"Sir is she breathing?"

Checking under her and watching her chest rise and fall.

"Yes...yes she is breathing."

"Alright good."

"Any signs of a stroke or seizure...face drooping on one side, convulsing or jerking movements?

"No ma'am it's just like she's sleeping."

By now my eyes were welling as I'm just so damn worried about her. My god...I've never seen someone go completely vacant like that, unless drugs were involved. Allie is so healthy, a runner for god sake.

We were just laughing, loving and talking about Madrid and then her eyes rolled back and she was unconscious. I couldn't rouse her.

While still on the phone with the 911 operator, I slipped her shorts and cami on for her to maintain some modesty and I threw on shorts and a t-shirt ready to go with her when the ambulance arrived.

I could hear the sirens. Hanging up on the 911 operator, I kissed Allie's lips "I'll be right back sweetheart" and ran downstairs to open the gate and bring the EMTs upstairs to her.

They were working fast on her and asking questions.

"What's her name?"

"Alessandra Marino."

Her name is so pretty I wondered why I never called her by her full first name.

"Does she smoke?"

"Heavens no!"

"Has she consumed any alcohol this evening?"


"Is she on any medications?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"What were you doing just before this happened?"

"Uhm...well...we were talking and before that we had just made love."

"Ok...sexual intercourse."

" I said, we made love."

"I'm detecting an irregular heartbeat, call that in."

"Sir do you have a preference as to what hospital we take her to?"

"Abbott, I want her taken to Abbott Northwestern please."

Wheeling her to the stairs, "I have an elevator if you'd prefer."

"That would be great."

Grabbing my keys and cell, I was right with them. Hopping up into the truck,

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