Chapter 8 - Heaps of Trouble

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Prince's POV

As my fingers dally in her innocent sweetness, the soft, fragile sounds that emanated from her upper and lower lips had me absolutely aching to give her more pleasure. I'd give anything to flip those smooth legs over my shoulders and weather her into the most explosive storm of her life. I don't dare though because one, I'm not cleared for that kind of activity, two I know that I may have already overstepped my bounds with my need to seek out her heaven and three this isn't where I'd want to explore such an activity.

When I think about her first time and our first time together, I want it to be very special. I know...I'm being overconfident, but I think she'll come around and we will be very happy together. At the moment, I just hope she doesn't have second thoughts about me touching her tonight. After a few more tantalizing strokes, I broke our kiss because I had to tell her how much I loved feeling her, "Oh sweet girl you are so beautiful...and you feel as soft as cashmere."

A shudder fell across her as she held desperately onto me and I continued to tenderly touch and kiss her neck. Edging further and further inside her, the strap from her dress slipped off her well moisturized shoulder slightly revealing her left breast and pert, pink nipple. My eyes slowly rolled back in my head as I enjoyed her...but it soon began to fade as she drew back with her head bashfully low and her mouth releasing a full exhale.

Noticeably self conscious, she eased the strap to her dress up onto her shoulder, grabbed her clutch and said, "Excuse me a minute." Bumping into a table on her way, I snickered a bit at her flustered state. Once she disappeared behind the ladies room door, I slid my finger in my mouth while involuntary exhaling an "Mmmm" at her inviting taste.

While I waited for her return, the waiter stopped back and asked if we like dessert. There were only two desserts offered, so I said to just bring us both. Upon her return, I kissed her neck and immediately whispered, "I absolutely adore my time with you Allie." Goosebumps adorned her shoulders from my wet kisses. "Do you want my jacket Allie?"

The waiter came back with our desserts and when he left, she kissed me on the cheek and softly spoke, "No jacket necessary. I need to tell you that I love every minute of what just happened I..." I interrupted her with very tender kisses. My tongue slipped repetitively across her lips and then I made my way to her ear. "I know what you're going to say. I need to behave Allie...I're just too tempting. Will you forgive me?"

Smiling at my question she replied, "I think you like to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. [smiling] There's nothing to's just that it feels like we're moving a little fast and, as you can see, I didn't exactly have the ability to slow those very convincing hands of yours down." I asked, "They're convincing huh? Did they convince you to spend more time with me?" Her head dipped to the side in shyness while pursing her lips. I took the opportunity to kiss her neck and caress the side of her right thigh, "Allie...let me show you a beautiful weekend...stay with me."

She quickly replied, "I don't think me staying with you is a good idea." I snapped back with a smile, "I've already stayed at your place. What's the difference if you stay at mine?" While she replied, I drew her closer by tugging at her waist, "I just don't think it's wise for us to put ourselves in a situation that's too alluring. I thought dinner would be safe and look what just happened." "Allie...isn't being physical with one another just a part of getting to know each other? Earlier you said that you trusted me, don't you? I'd have you stay in a guest room."

"Prince...I feel like you want to place me in situations where I'm nervous to be and...and...I think that's selfish." selfish? Huh...that's ridiculous. Frustrated I shot back and tried to reason with her, " don't think sex can happen during daytime hours only at night? Allie...I just want to spend as much time together as possible. If you're not up for staying, I'm happy to come get you in the morning and drop you off at night. No matter what...I guarantee that we will still kiss, we will still have our hands on one another and we will still have desire each other."

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