Chapter 16 - Day 1 Vacation

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Allie's POV

I felt relieved that Louis left when he did. He did not take kindly to me stopping his hand. It was like he was trying to prove something. What is with those questions about thinking about him when I'm with Prince. Who would do that? Well, admittedly I think of Prince sometimes when I'm with Louis but is that because Prince is more dangerous? More sexually charged? I will say, I feel like I trust Prince a little more with me, although he is more persuasive with those hands and lips only because he's so gentle and Mmmm...I have to stop thinking about this.

Louis...back to Louis...he's a nice guy, but there's something that was off tonight. It's not like when we first met on the dock. Every opportunity he gets, there's a slam about Prince. Plus asking about what I'm doing with him over the weekend. While Louis' touch is doesn't feel like Prince's. Just the thought of Prince made me slid my hand halfway down my panties, but I stopped. Are you testing me Lord? Did I pass tonight?

I got into my pajamas, which was nothing because this heat is just so awful. While I love my place, it doesn't have air conditioning, and when it's this hot outside it's the only time I regret selecting it. Minnesota summers are always warm, but when we hit a couple scorching days, it can be absolutely miserable. Opening all my windows, I laid in the dark on the sofa with a fan on me thinking about my next four days...with him...alone...secluded...oh my you know Allie there are going to be temptations all around you but he will be so fun and funny too.

My eyes slowly fluttered shut.

"I told you little girl that this is no way for a young woman to be living!" This time my father's anger was at a fever pitch and when he slammed me up against the kitchen wall my head hit first and my neck whiplashed as I fell to the floor. My brain felt rattled and I knew that I was gonna have to do something in order to stop the chaos from turning into a tsunami. As I got up from the floor I could barely get my bearings, the room was spinning a bit making be feel so nauseous but I was clear enough to see that there was a knife on the counter. As he came at me, like had so many other times, I snatched it off the counter and cut the top of his forearm, "GET OUT!" I screamed. "THIS IS MY PLACE AND YOU WILL NOT TREAT ME THIS WAY UNDER MY OWN ROOF!"

I thankfully startled myself awake and wiped my brow from the sweat that had formed. It's hard to say whether it was from the heat or my nightmare, or perhaps a mix. As I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing I thought, it's truly hard to believe I was 29 when that happened in my townhouse that I had bought in Shaumburg, Illinois, a nice suburb just outside of Chicago. When my neighbor came over after hearing all of the racket it was embarrassing to say, "It's ok...that was just my father." Once I was an adult, when these situations happened it always brought me back to when I was in middle and high school when there was a young man sniffing around me. That's what my father would call it, 'sniffing.' He made everything sound so dirty, even if it was the innocence of a boy and a girl just getting to know one another...going to a dance, a movie or as simple as talking on the phone.

I got up and splashed some cool water on my face and then grabbed a glass of lemonade from the fridge. Grabbing my phone I texted Prince...

"You awake?"

He didn't reply so I think that's a no.

I heard a boom outside and quickly looked to find that my neighbors party was breaking up and multiple car doors slammed. Sliding back down into the sofa I saw my phone beep and light up.

"Baby girl why are you still up?"

"It's hot and I can't sleep."

"Yes it was a very hot day and tonight. Do you want me to come get you? It's cool here. Well...until we'd be together ; )"

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