Chapter 6 - Just Once

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Prince's POV

What the hell just happened? I buy her a thoughtful gift that she desperately needed. It's not like it was jewelry or something frivolous. It was a functional gift tailored to her petite height and she's pissed at me?

Do I really look scary in that bathroom picture? Flicking the light on, I peek inside the bathroom and UHHH! I guess my eyes do look a bit fucked up. Am I egotistical?

One thing is certain. She ain't going anywhere with the gate closed. I might as well take my time and let her collect herself a bit.

Was it too soon to call her baby? It just kinda slipped out.

Walking to the front doors, I see her slumped over the steering wheel and I can tell she's crying. Ok Nelson...think of something to bring us back from this apparent atrocity that I have created.

Tapping gently on her car window I hear her bellow, "Go away and open the gate please." Already having her number set as one of my cell's favorites, I call her. She doesn't know this number because when I called her the other night about leaving her massage oil, I called from a Paisley phone. "Hello?" [sniff] I said in a silly voice, " this Marino's Pizzeria? I'd like to order a large pie with heaps of apologies and garlic bread. I'd also like your pretty delivery girl to bring it too." She turned her face to me and DAMN...even crying she's pretty as hell.

I hung up and tapped on the window..."Open the door Allie. Let's talk about this." She didn't budge, I know she's got a mix pile of upset and embarrassed coursing through her. "I'll have you know that I am missing my therapy appointment right now. My pretty therapist must be late. [hands on my hips] Girrrrllll she is gonna get an earful when she shows."

Seeing a small smile creep across her lips, but she tried to hide it. "I saw you smile Allie, you can't hide something that breathtaking. The car window slid down. I'm too smart for my own good, I inserted my hand inside, unlocked her door and opened it. Leaning on the steering wheel, I kissed her on her forehead. "Will you please come inside and talk to me?" Taking her delicate hand in mine, I helped her out of the car, threw her bag on my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her while we walked back inside Paisley.

She started to unpack as if we were going to do my therapy first. "Nu uh...we need to talk." "Prince I want to do your therapy before you're too tired. Then we can talk." Skeptically looking at her I said, "You act like I'm a geriatric patient, I'm 45 years young girl." Giving me a devil stare I continued, "You promise you aren't gonna skate outta here today and avoid talking to me?" Not making eye contact she replied, "I promise." "Allie...look at me so that I can believe you." Looking at me very teary, trying not to cry she mouthed, "I promise."

Working me over, my exercises were grueling as usual and she did her very best to not look at me in the eyes. There's definitely something to that eye contact thing. Marcus comes Wednesday night, I wonder if he can shed any light on this situation. Then she spoke...

"Ok, this is our last exercise for the day. I want you to try and walk a bit without your cane. We'll start out with a small distance and work our way up. Let's try ooohhh about 10 ft to start." She stood about 15 ft to start, but I wasn't about to sass her considering the words we had. I set my cane on the chaise. "Ok Prince, shoulders back, chin up and nice small steps. Taking a few steps wasn't bad, but I was going to use this situation to my advantage. Abruptly I stopped, "Allie I could use some incentive." "What do you mean? You're doing great." She said cheerfully. "I need to walk to those blue eyes of yours." I said. She didn't look up but licked her lips and swallowed hard. "Why do you make things hard for me?" She asked. I continued to walk toward her until I was about a step apart from her I said, "Friend...I"

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