Chapter 32 - Never Lay My Eyes

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As we sat in the restaurant waiting for Louis to arrive, Allie was a nervous wreck. She hadn't seen or spoke with Louis since France.

Grabbing her left hand, I kissed her ring finger. "No reason to be nervous sweet girl. I'm right here."

"I just feel so stupid for what happened. I never should have drank that much that night and...I'm not sure I should have worn this dress you bought me to see Louis. I don't think it's appropriate."

On the sly, my index finger lightly caressed the inside of each of her breasts as well as the sweet valley between, "You look absolutely lovely in your favorite color and you shouldn't change who you are or how you dress because of Louis. I..."

"Hello...hello...hello to the lovely couple! Prince tells me congratulations are in order Allie. When is the special day? I hope to be invited in spite of our difficulties with one another. I do wish you both well."

"Oh I wouldn't camp out by the mailbox for an invitation." I chuckled sarcastically.

Allie was unsettled in her seat allowing her discomfort to show so I rested my hand on the exposed part of her thigh and began to speak, "Louis I wanted the three of us to meet because we need to put everything that happened to rest."

With a smirk Louis replied smarmily, "You mean put it to bed?"

"Why do you have to do that Louis? Why you gotta make it sound sexual? Huh? You just want Allie to feel uncomfortable? Well congratulations, but you look like a damn pervert with all your unwanted sexual innuendo. This has to stop."

Allie chimed in, "You never behaved this way when I met you, yet now you do it all the time. Why is that? I don't like it. It's disrespectful to me and to Prince and my relationship."

"Look Allie...I admit it...I find your blush very endearing and I tease you to see it."

Leaning into Louis, "The lady says she doesn't like it. Are you listen'in?"

Louis quickly grabbed Allie's left hand to look at her ring and I slapped his hand illiciting a yelp from his throat like a dog that was wapped on the nose.

"What did you go and do that for?"

"You don't just go and grab a woman. You ask permission to see her ring. Ya see Louis this is your try to see what you can get away with regarding Allie. You never eased into it, talked about it or asked permission."

Gently taking Allie's hand I kissed it and said, "Precious didn't I always ask permission to touch love you?"

Looking into her aching eyes, I could tell she was getting wet with my words as I innocently pecked at her sweet lips in front of the barbarian Louis. My hand gently touched her thigh as our lips parted.

"Now let this beautiful lady speak, she has some words for you so listen up."

"Louis first off I will not be accepting the position at the University. It's just not..."

"Allie this position is perfect for you. It has you on the best track to get back to where you were in Chicago." Louis interjected.

"Louis if you can't control yourself with innuendo sitting here, how do you think it would be working for and with you?"

"Allie that's different. I would never jeopardize my job with sexual harassment."

"Oh so you admit that how you treat her is harassment." I quipped.

Louis looked sternly at me, didn't reply to my specific accusation, but instead addressed Allie in what seemed to be an earnest way, "Look Allie all innuendo aside, I assure you that I would never do anything to jeopardize my job. Honestly, this is a great opportunity for you and I'd hate to see you miss out on it only because we saw one another personally. I mean how else are you going to get out of the physical labors of therapy? There's no way in hell, with your size, you'll be able to keep that up. At some point you have to move your career beyond seeing patients."

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