Chapter 28 - Taking You Home

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Allie's POV

Bile was inching its way up my esophagus when I arrived at the airport. Fully regretting all of that wine I drank, I quickly paid the cab driver, found a restroom, hurled into the trash can, and while doing so, smacked my forehead on the paper towel dispenser. "Shit!" I exclaimed barely able to keep myself from crying.

A woman exiting a stall, began to wash her hands and said, "Whoo Wee! Did you drink all of the south of France or did ya leave some hun?"

Trying to compose myself I replied, "Believe it or not I left some and this is the first time that I've ever over drank."

After she finished washing her hands, she wet a paper towel with cold water and patted my brow.

"Thank you." I said as I wiped my mouth with a paper towel.

Jokingly she said, "Where you fly'in to because I certainly pray I'm not sitting next to you? I might get drunk off the fumes."

A subsmile formed on my lips as I tried to find comfort in the hands of a stranger. "Thanks for your help. What's your name?"

"Trudy." She said. "And I'm flying to Atlanta."

"Well...thanks Trudy. I'm Allie. You lucked out then because I'm headed to Minneapolis."

"Oooohh Minneapolis huh? Home of The Purple One. Have you ever run into that sexy drink of water? Mmmm mmm mmm...he is so damn fine."

Run into him, I giggled to myself, the man has made love to me. Suddenly I became very uncomfortable. I've never really heard a woman talk about Prince in that way. I guess women really do flock to him. Not sure I could stand to hear that on a regular basis though. Since we're not together anymore, I don't think that will be an issue.

"Allie? You ok?" Trudy asked concerned.

"Oh yes, yes, I'm fine. I've never been lucky enough to cross paths."

"Well Allie, I should probably get to my gate. Have a safe flight." Trudy said bubbly.

"Oh absolutely. Feel better and take it easy on the vino." She smiled and rubbed my back as she left the restroom.

Gosh I've never been more embarrassed. Serves me right I guess, how stupid was I to drink all of that wine. Sarcastically I thought to myself, 'good girl' has never had more than two glasses at a time, how did I think this was going to end?

As each minute passed, the more sober I became and I can't believe how out of control I was and what I allowed Louis to do to me. Even though I know Louis cares for me, in his own way, for some reason it made me feel...dirty. What if that was our first time together, he wanted me drunk for it? Not exactly a loving, memorable experience.

Grabbing my toothbrush from my toiletry bag, I brushed my teeth. After checking in at the ticket counter and making it through security, I found an airport newsstand where I bought some water, ginger ale, saltines, Tylenol and Dramamine.

I needed to eat something and the saltines weren't going to hold me on an eight hour flight. Quickly stopping by a sub sandwich shop, I asked to buy two sandwich loaves to help sop up the acid percolating in my stomach.

My cell rang, Prince popped up on the caller i.d. and I started to feel sick again. I can't talk to him right now. I just feel so ill, he'll try to talk me into not leaving and I just want to go home.

Oh dear, I was salivating and I fought the urge to hurl again. I knew I had to prepare for the possibility of getting sick on the plane. Those airplane barf bags are too tiny. If I had my choice, I'd prefer to just shove my head in a Glad leaf bag. While the clerk turned away, I snatched a half dozen bags and put them in my purse.

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