Chapter 38 - I Guess This Is Goodbye

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Prince's POV

"I'm going in to take care of it." Allie said sternly.

"No you are not. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're not going there alone." I retorted with a bit of concern.

"Prince I can pack up the rest of my apartment. You don't have to be there."

"Sweet girl you are pregnant, you've just suffered an are taking it easy. I'm not having you packing and lifting boxes, I'll hire someone to do all of it."

She chuckled heavily while grabbing the collar of my shirt with both of her hands, "You don't mean that butterscotch bear, you haven't been taking it easy on me. You've been making love to me with no mercy."

"Well now don't say it like I've been some kind of animal with you. I made sure to get instructions from your doctor. I would never put you in harm's way sweet girl. If anything you just need to give Louis your notice so you don't go back to work."

"On Monday." She smiled, while I slid my hands up her skirt.

"Someone is frisky this morning." She whispered. My hands picked her up backside's firm cheeks and leaned her up against the bedroom wall.

Gazing up at her with a chuckle, "Why would we ever wait until Monday for you to give your notice? We know where he lives. Let's pick up some scones and coffee, stop over and tell him our big news and that you're quiting."

Resting her to the floor for only a brief moment, I slipped her slick panties down along with my pants, yeah...that's right, the purple one is commando.

"Scones and coffee? Who are you Martha Stewart? Since when do you want to share a meal with Louis?" She said jokingly while wrapping her legs firmly around my waist.

Oh think that the hatchet was buried, but things go too deep with French bulldog who has been dog-piling my Allie every chance he gets. Maybe he hasn't as much recently, but if given the opportunity, he'd be all over her again. It's absolutely true, my name is Petty Shade and I wanna be there when Allie tells Louis that she is pregnant with our baby and is quiting her job. That French cuff stuffed shirt has been a fucking thorn in my side ever since he ran into my Allie while running at the lake. Good riddens I say.

"What's the angle here? Why do I think you'll make this about you?" She asked with a smirk.

"How is this about me? I'll tell you sweetness." I said arrogantly while inch by fucking inch sliding into her, slowly, making her beg for more.

"Oh feel good Prince. Mm mmm...more baby...why you stalling? Mmmmmm...that's it." She tried her best to thrust her hips forward to take more of me, but I denied her.

"Oh know what...I'm not sure I wanna know your reasons about Lou-"

In my sultry voice I cut her off, "Don't you e-v-e-r have that BOY's name pass your lips while I'm lov'in you." Easing back, withdrawing part of my girth, denying her my length.

"Is this about shoving his nose in..."

I interrupted her with a tone of heavy sarcasm, "That's right. Like a dog that had an accident on the carpet I'm shoving..."

As I said the word shoving I slammed into her fully and she responded with, "Oh God yyy- yyess!" Along with a grateful moan, "MMMMM!"

"As I was saying I'm shoving [thrusting hard again] his smarmy ass nose in it. He was terrible with you at his parents and I'll never ever forgive him for his shotty, disrespectful behavior. I on the other hand, have loved you since our first p.t. appointment when you were asking me if I was getting a good look at you with all my staring."

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