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'It's a maroon bonnet'

I didn't expect this book to get this far soooo what do you guys want to happen now? Comments would be appreciated



"Nadir?" Earnest glanced at her as she looked out the window and brought her hand up to her face to touch her swollen eyelids.

"I uh - I been noticing money disappearing from our bank account"

"I'll pay it back"

"Nah, nah. I was just curious about it. That's it"

"I see the saddest shit, and then I get like this, and I know it puts a strain on us, but I see the saddest shit"

Earnest didn't bother pointing out that she had repeated herself.

"You ain't gotta talk to me about it if you don't want to" He said.

"I gotta- I was visiting this girl who was younger than me, and she was stuck in a relationship because she didn't want to be homeless with the baby, and she reallllllyyy wanted to leave. I saw it. I could see that she wanted to do better than what she doing, and I was loaning her money, but he found out, and the next time I visited she uh-"

Nadir wiped her face and tried to fimish what she was saying before it became incomprehensible.

Earnest grabbed her hand, and she squeezed it as hard as she could.

"She opened the door for me with the baby, and he came out and he shot them right infront of me, and gave me the money back. I talked to the cops, and I went home early, and I cried, and I left because I didn't want you to see me, and I stayed with Abani all night, and I made her lie to you, Earnest. I hid the money in our house"

Earnest pulled his key out of the ignition, and Nadir realized that they were at ChAntiere's place already.

That was a week ago.

"I'm sorry that it happened, mama. You know I want you to feel like you can come to me about anything" He pulled at her usual twists.

"Could you make me feel better? Not sex, I know-"

"Of course. You be tending to me all the time, and you go through more than I go through. I appreciate you"

Earnest got out the car, and pulled out their bags before the front door swung open, and Kensli ran out barefoot and all.

Nadir picked her up as soon as she could, and they hugged.

"Naddy, I cleaneded up my whole entire room and that's where we'll stay"

"What about Earnest?"

"He can stay with the boysss. You're my girl guest"

Earnest actually made it into the house first where Chance, Antiere, and Keandre were.

"Oh. I didn't know about the-"

"To clarify. We not gay"

"Didn't even cross my mind" Earnest turned towards their bags.

When Nadir and Kensli stepped into the living room, Antiere tried to quickly glance over her, but his eyes remained stuck.

Nadir sat Kensli down before going straight towards Keandre and scooping him up. "Antiere, you're a shit person, cutting me off like that"

"Take my kid and run with him then"

Chance scowled, and Keandre giggled excitedly before pulling at her hair with his feet.

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