
326 19 10

My friends are assholes



"I wanna grow great with you, have a lil baby with you, and just cater to you. Aye, just rain on me, i'll rain on you. I tell you the lies now, yeah. Its okay to cry now, yeah-"

Nadir grabbed Antiere's face, and connected their lips before unbuckling her seatbelt and turning away.

She got out the car, and went to get Keandre from the backseat. As soon as his feet hit the pavement, he took off, but Antiere snatched him up, catching him by surprise.

Keandre smiled and grabbed his father's face and made him look him in the eye before laughing.

"What level of not giving a fuckery is this, son son?" Nadir locked the doors, and they walked into the theatre.

It was one pm on a school day, so the theatre was pretty empty.

"How soon would you be ready to have a baby?" Nadir questioned. "Not - I wasn't saying. . . Yup"

"I'm ready whenever my sweetheart is" He scratched at dried drool on Keandre's face.

"Okay" She walked behind him.

Keandre stuck his tongue out and made faces at Nadir, making her smile.

"Pumpkin, you're so cute"

"Sah couu"

"So cute. We'll work on it" Nadir nodded her head.


Nadir sat down in her seat, and tried to pull Keandre onto her lap, but he curved her and ran into Antiere's legs while laughing.

"Boy, if you don't sit. The movie almost over"

Keandre climbed into the seat to the left of Nadir's and tossed his arms onto the arm rest.

"Pee pee" He pulled at the top of his pamper and stood up in the seat.

"You just did that"

Keandre shook his head no as if it were impossible.

Nadir yawned. "You really took us to see three different movies"

"And i'm bout sleepy as hell too" Antiere stretched before they all went to go home.

Antiere was renting a home until he could find somewhere else to live.

And also because he didn't want Nadir to stay with Earnest.

As soon as Keandre's body hit his car seat, he was knocked out, and he was even asleep when he got his pamper changed.

That didn't stop him from peeing and kicking though.

Nadir double checked the house before going upstairs to see Antiere laid in bed with his hand sunk into his boxers half asleep. "You're amazing"

She smiled at him before going into the bathroom to brush her teeth and change clothes because she didn't feel like showering.

When she got back into the room, she grabbed a small stack of papers and got comfortable. "I'll only leave the light on for a few minutes. I just have to sign a few things"

Antiere rolled over to where Nadir was, and kissed her bare thigh. "Sit on my face"

He rested his head on her leg while staring up at her.

"Mmm" She said uneasily

Antiere could feel himself growing hard. "Let me stop before I find myself fuckin' you"

Nadir got up and cut off the light before getting back into bed. "And what's wrong with that?"

"Oh fuck no" He gritted as soon as her hands sunk into his boxers.

Nadir found his hands, and pressed them into the bed.

"Lemee get it. Wit'cho bad ass"

Nadir allowed him to flip her over before he buried his face into her neck and started to suck on it.

"Goodnight, Antiere"


This chapter was pointless but i'm uninspired

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