59. (New)

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A few months later

"Happy fathers day, Antiereee" Nadir sat on his stomach and laid a bouquet of flowers on his chest.

He laughed and rubbed his eye before opening it. "I'm your favorite dad?"

"I don't know many so I guess you're my favorite by default"

"You could've just said yes, sweetheart"

"Daddy" Keandre walked towards the bed and climbed up onto it.

"Damn, the little monster is up" Antiere pulled him up onto the bed the rest of the way.

"Not mon-sah"

"What do you say, Ke?" Nadir moved to get off of him, but Antiere wrapped his arms around her legs.

"Oh!" Keandre hit his own forehead. "Merry daddy's day"

"Thanks luh' Ant"

"Uh huh. Gif now?" Keandre questioned.

"I wanna be surprised later, bud. Imma appreciate it more"

Keandre blinked before climbing off of the bed and leaving the room. "Mommy play daddy"

"I'mmmm tryna get my dick wet" Antiere rubbed on her stomach.

"Can I take you out to dinner? And pay?" Nadir asked.

"You said you wanna stand down, soldier? Aight" He sat up in the bed, and made Nadir go into the bathroom with him.

"That's fine" Nadir shrugged. "Alrighty then" She mentally prepared to deny sexual contact.

Antiere stood at the sink and washed his face before brushing his teeth.

"Look at my baby man" He said and curled his upper lip to scrub his top row.

Nadir placed her hands on her stomach and swung her feet. "I want to go somewhere"

"Easy for you to say. You ain't the one thats nauseous most of the time" Antiere rinsed his mouth out before stepping in between her legs.

Nadir zoned out, thinking about their lives after the baby was born.

Antiere left the bathroom to see what Keandre was doing, and he was laid out on the floor sleeping with a stuffed spongebob.

"We're going in the crib cause I need you sound asleep" Antiere lifted him up and walked past Keandre's new bed that they were trying to transition him into and put him in the crib.

He rolled onto his stomach and Antiere took the toy away from him before covering him with a blanket and leaving the door open.

Nadir was still sitting on the counter when he got back. "My ankles are swelling and I didn't feel like getting down"

"Happy fathers day to me" He rubbed on her thighs.

"I love you" Nadir cooed before he connected their lips and slid his tongue into her mouth while he tore at her panties.

She grabbed at his pants, and even though he was hard, he rejected her and pulled away from her mouth before dropping to his knees infront of her and pulling her waist forward.

"I don't have any type of willpower" She ran her hand through his hair.

Antiere sunk his teeth into her thighs. "Sweetheart, lay down. Your whole stomach is blocking you hoo-ha"

"Antiere, i'm going to be sore for the rest of the day, and I want to do something nice for you. Besides, this isn't a bed"

He stood back up and lowered his pants and slid his hand down his member coating himself in what was already there. "Shit, somebody having a cookout. Lets do that and call it a day"

He spread her thighs before sliding into her and pulling out. "Sounds like macaroni alright"

"I might just hate you" Nadir buried her face into his shoulder, breathing hard.

"You only talking big shit cause - cause the lady said I couldn't go in on you"

"That was a whole stutter, An-" She moaned and tried to ease away from him.

"We got a lagger" Antiere pulled her forward by her thighs.

Nadir placed her hands on Antiere's butt and without a moment's hesitation, he pushed them away and placed them on his back.


She did it again, and Antiere pulled out before walking away and cutting on the shower. He jacked off while getting in. "I can nut with or without you"

"And. . . And. . . And" Keandre scribbled on a piece of paper that Quadell had given him.

He didn't even have a story to tell, he just liked saying and.

"Fascinating, Ke. Just fascinating" Antiere said and squeezed Nadir's butt as she sat in his lap just to mess with her.

She stood up and went into the house, and Quadell laughed. "Now tell em why you mad, son" He said quoting Lil Wayne in Solange's song 'Mad'.

Keandre shoved his paper and hopped down from his chair. "Waiiiit"

Nadir went into the kitchen and sat down beside Abani. "I don't want to cry, so could you say something?"

"You cant put me on the spot like that. Kamon say something" Abani said.

"Dirty dick and balls"

Keandre held his arms out and Abani sat him down on the table infront of Nadir.

"I know you not tryna diss me on father's day" Antiere walked into the kitchen with Quadell and Earnest.

"Hey" Earnest greeted.

"Shut up" Nadir sniffed before sneezing.

"Ah-shew" Keandre mimicked and laughed at himself.

"I - I forgot why I was gonna cry earlier, but KeBaby that was so cuteee" She gushed. "I want a boy that's just like you"

"Ugly ass name" Antiere mumbled.

Keandre leaned forward and started talking gibberish in her face like he didn't know words, and eventually he did make Nadir cry.


I know fathers day was four days ago, but I started this chapter on Friday and I've been writing on it ever since. I work 9 or ten hours a day seven days a week (for free at that 🙂) so I don't have time for anything anymore

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