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"Ali, please listen."

"Emily, just go away. " she said while turning her back to me.

"Why are you being like this?"

She turned around quickly. "Why were you talking to Paige? I thought there wasn't anything going on between you two. "

" There isn't. She just asked if I was going to this party. That's it. "

"Well, it looked like more than that, with all the laughing and smiling that you two were doing."

I shook my head a little. "Ali, nothing else is going on between Paige and I. We're just cool with each other. I'm not going to say friends or anything."

She raised her eyebrows at me and stayed quiet.

This confused me. Does Ali have feelings for me? I know that she kissed me a few nights ago but after that it was like she wanted to forget about it.

I worked up the nerve to ask the question I wanted to ask for a few days.

"Ali, that other night when you kissed me, Was that because you wanted to or was it cause of something else?"

She stared at me for a split second before looking away. "I don't know" was all she said.

Nodding my head slightly "Please don't kiss me again. Not until you know." I turned to walk away.

"Emily, don't be like that." she said while grabbing my arm.

"Don't be like what Alison? You know how I feel about you. You've known since we kissed in the library when we were 14! Why do you always do this? You make it seem like you want me around...You show signs that you care about me and then just act like nothing ever happened."

She let go of my arm and just stared at me.

I waited for her to say something, ANYTHING but she never did.

"I've been there for you Alison. When everyone else was against you, I was there in your corner." Still silence. Shaking my head, I finally realized that I was being a fool. Just like Spencer said. "Oh my God, I wasted so much time on you." I turned around and walked away and this time she didn't stop me.

When I got to my car, I finally let the tears that had threatening to come out in front of Ali fall. I pulled out my cell phone and called Spencer.

"Hey Em." Spencer answered in a happy tone.

"Hey Spence." I said with a sad tone.

"What's wrong Emily?"

"Can I come by? I just really need someone to talk to."

"Sure, you want me to send an SOS to the rest of the girls?"

"Everyone but Ali."

"Oookay Em. I'll see you in a few"

"I'll bring the coffee." I hung up and drove to The Brew.

By the time I got to Spencer's, I saw that Hanna and Aria made it there.

I got out of the car. Spencer must have seen me walking up to the door because before i could knock she opened it.

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