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"Really?" She looked up at both us with an shocked expression on her face.

"Yes. You could stay as long as you like." Her eyes started watering before she stood up and hugged both of us.

"Thank you so much. I promise you won't have any problems out of me." I smiled at her.

"You already know where you'll be sleeping. Later this week we can talk about you starting school again." Emily spoke up and Addison nodded her head.

"I don't want to go back to my old school. Is there a way I don't have to go back there?"

"Yes, I'll talk to my mother and see if she could get you transferred into another school. Are you still registered in school?"

"I went as much as I could. I eventually stopped when the bullying happened because I was wearing the same clothes. I think it's been three weeks since I stopped going."

"Good, not you missing school, but since you only been out for three weeks you're still registered so it would be easy to transfer you without your mother having a say in the matter." She nodded her head and yawned quietly. "If you're tired you could go to sleep in your room."

"Okay." She mumbled before getting up for the chair and going upstairs. When I looked over at Emily she was smiling.


"You're already calling the room hers."

"I guess I did huh?" I smiled at her. "You have such a huge heart." I said before kissing her cheek.

"You love me for that though."

"And for many other reasons." I leaned my head on her shoulder and sighed when I felt her kiss my forehead.

"Thank you, for not turning her away."

"I would never do that. I'm just trying to understand how could someone do that to their own child?" I asked as I shook my head a little.

"I have no idea. I mean we both know how my mom reacted when she found out I was gay."

"Yeah, but eventually she came around."

"I think she only did because I threatened to cut her out of my life if she couldn't accept it."

"You did?" I raised my head and looked at her. She nodded her head.

"How come you never told me that?"

"Because it was so long ago that I didn't think about it until after hearing Addison's story." I put my hand on her cheek and she smiled before turning her head and kissing my wrist.

"Enough talk about this for now. Are you ready for our anniversary?" She asked smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Seven years of marriage."

"Eight years together though." She leaned down and kissed me. "I can't wait for the party."

"I don't even want to know how much you spent."

"Hell, I don't even know yet." She laughed."I'm still sorting things out with Spence."

"Oh." My stomach growled and I heard Emily chuckle before she moved.

"Both of my babies hungry?" I nodded my head. "Spence bought us some food from Panera Bread. I'm pretty sure she bought a lot so I'll fix a small plate for now." She said as she started to get off of the couch.

"Thank you."

After a few minutes Emily walked back into the living room and handed me a plate. She placed the glass of juice on top of a coaster on the table before sitting next to me. She grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix.

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