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Ali's POV

"There's no way I'm going to let you go through this alone."

"I support you."

"I have never loved another human being as much as I love you."

"Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I wiped the tears that slid down my cheeks with my free hand as I held Emily's hand in the other. I've gotten used to the sound of the heart monitor. The same beeping, every second, minute, hour of the day, for three weeks. The doctor says she's getting better. She just needs to wake up.

God, please let her wake up.

"I should've let you stayed that night, Em. If you would've, you would have never went to the bar. You would have never gotten shot. This is my fault. I'm so stupid for not believing my own wife, who I know wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I hurt you so bad and I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry, just please wake up. There's something very important I have to tell you, but I want to do it when I'm looking into your beautiful eyes. So you have to wake up. Not just for me but for our daughter. For our friends. Just continue to fight. I'll do it for you here. I promise - I will never leave your side again." I rubbed her hand with my thumb. I jumped a little when i felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my father in law. He smiled a small smile at me and kissed my cheek.

"She'll wake up soon, Alison. I know she will. She wouldn't leave you and Honor that easily."

"I messed up so bad." I said as I stood up

"You didn't. She told us about it. Everyone goes through things in their marriage that would feel like it's destroying it when really it's doing the opposite. You guys will get through this." I smiled a sad smile at him.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that." I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost time to go pick Honor up from school.

"I have to get Honor from school and fix her dinner. Please call if anything changes. It doesn't matter what time it is."

"Of course. You will be the first call." Just then Pam walked into the room. I hugged her. She pulled back and smiled at me.

"Can we get Honor soon?" She asked - I smiled a little.

"You don't have to ask. She's your granddaughter. You can just pick her up whenever you want. If you want me to drop her off at your house just let me know. I have to get her from school." Pam smiled.

"We'll call you if something happens." I turned around and looked down at Emily. I rubbed my hand through her hair and kissed her cheek. "I'll be back soon. I love you." I'd give anything to hear her say it back right now.

Hours later-

I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling as tears formed in my eyes. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 2 in the morning. I looked over at the door when I heard movement and saw Honor standing there with her blanket. "Come up here, baby." I patted the side next to me on the bed. She climbed up and laid her head on my chest. "I miss Mama." I heard her whisper as she was crying. I closed my eyes and let the tears I was holding back fall. "I miss her too, baby." I rubbed her back. Eventually she cried herself to sleep. I had just laid her on the side of me when my phone started ringing. I answered quickly when I saw it was Toby calling. "Is she okay?"

"She's okay. How soon can you get here?"

"I just have to get Honor dressed and put something on."

"Okay, drive carefully." He hung up. I got out of the bed, got Honor some clothes from her closet. Once I got her dressed, I threw something on and picked her up. I made sure I had everything before walking out of the house and strapping Honor into her car seat. I got in and drove to the hospital.

I got to Emily's room in a hurry. When I opened the door and saw her with her eyes open I stopped in my tracks and started crying. "I'll take her." Toby said as he walked over to me and took Honor from me. He and Spencer walked out of the room. I just stood there staring at Emily.

"It's okay to come closer, Ali." I thought i would never hear her voice again. I walked over to her bed with tears in my eyes and leaned down and hugged her. When I pulled back she had tears in her eyes. I sat next to the bed and held her hand. After a few seconds of silence, Em began to speak again.

"Ali I, I didn't mean what I said to you. I'm not giving up on us. I was just upset." I shook my head in response to her words.

"I kind of deserved it. I was being a bitch towards you. The way I treated you was horrible. I'm so sorry but I need to clarify - You were never a 'meaningless fuck'...Even though I acted like it. Even in high school when I acted like nothing happened between us. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." She reached for my hand as I lost myself in my sobs.

"This isn't your fault. You wouldn't have known that I was going to the bar that night..."

"But you wouldn't have went if I would've let you stay. Would you?" I interrupted her.

"No, I wouldn't have went."

"See, it is my fault." I heard her sigh before she tugged on my hand.

"Come here." I shook my head.

"Em, I don't think..."

"Ali, i'm fine. I just want you to lay next to me." I took off my shoes and got in the bed with her. She rubbed her hand down my back. "You didn't shoot the gun, Ali. You didn't leave me there to die."

"Did Toby tell you that they arrested him?" She nodded her head.

"Yeah. He told me. Let's not talk about it."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"The news you have to tell me."

My eyes went wide.

"How do you know about..."

"I heard you talking, Ali. I just couldn't respond back. So what is it?"

"I'm ..." Just then, Spencer walked through the door.

"Hey, is it okay if we take Honor to our house?" She asked, I nodded my head.

"Yeah. She shouldn't spend the night in the hospital." I said, sighing.

"We'll see you guys in the morning, seeing as though it's late already." Spencer smiled. "Nice to see you two making up. Get some rest, both of you."

"We will." Emily yawned. I smiled at her cuteness and rubbed her cheek. I saw she was falling asleep and tried to get out of bed.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I was just getting out so you could be comfortable." I said in a small voice.

"I am comfortable. Please stay." I laid back down and kissed her cheek. "Real kiss." she said, holding me by my waist. I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Go to sleep, baby. We'll talk more when you wake up." She nodded her head a little.

I stayed up for a while just watching her sleep before falling asleep for one of the first time in weeks.

I was just given another chance with the love of my life, with the woman I was meant to be with, with my soul mate...

Believe me when I say I won't mess this up. 

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