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"Is the water too hot?" I asked Ali as she stepped into the tub with me. I sat down and waited for her to sit in front of me. She shook her head while sighing.

"No, it's perfect." she said as she laid her head back on my chest with a sigh.

"Good. I just want you to be comfortable. So what do you want to do today?" I asked as I kissed her shoulder. She reached into the water and took my hand in hers and interlocked our fingers before raising my hand up and kissing the back of it.

"Well right now, I just want to enjoy this time with you. When we get out we can have breakfast. I called Spencer and she and Mrs. Hastings supposed to be here at one so we could discuss how to become Addison's parents." I smiled and squeezed her hand lightly.

"I thought we were going to start on that Monday?"

"I know, but I can't wait that long. I know it's only a couple of days but I want to know everything there is to know about this process and Spencer's mom is one of the best."

"Okay baby." I said as I kissed her shoulder then her neck. "Well we have a lot of time before one so..." I heard her giggle before reaching up and rubbing my cheek.

"Didn't you have enough this morning?" I buried my face in her neck.

"Enough of you? Never. But you weren't asking that earlier when I woke you up with my tongue." She smiled as redness creeped on her cheeks.

"That was a great way to wake up."

"I could tell by the way you gripped my hair." I put my face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.

"So how do you think it will go?"

"What baby?"

"The adoption." She said nervously. I sighed and raised my head.

"I'm hoping it would go smoothly. She's been through enough for any teenager. She doesn't need anymore drama. I hope her mom will just let her be happy."

"Think we'll be good parents for her?"

"I think we'll do just fine. She's already apart of this family and she's seems happy here." Just as I got quiet I heard Ali's stomach. I laughed a little before kissing her shoulder. "Come on, let's get out so we can get something to eat."


"Are you two sure you want to go through with this process? Because it could be very stressful. Especially if the mother contest it."

"She can still contest it, even though she kicked her out of the house with nowhere to go?" Ali asked.

"Yes, because she is the biological mother. I know that it's not right and doesn't make sense but she still have more rights than you two right now." Not for long I heard Ali mumble before she started tapping her foot. I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed lightly. She took a deep breath before speaking again.

"We really want to do this Mrs. Hastings, sorry I meant Veronica. Addison has been apart of our family ever since she has been here. She wants to live here and we don't want her to leave. I know you have to talk to her about all of this and that will happen next week when we come to the office." I put my hand on top of Ali's and squeezed it lightly.

"We already love her and want her to be a part of our family." I said as I smiled at Mrs. Hastings. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll get started on everything and will call you in the next few days with the next step." Veronica said as she stood up and collected the paper that was scattered on the table.

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